The former general manager of Cantiere Navale Vittoria responds to Duò

The former general manager of Cantiere Navale Vittoria responds to Duò
The former general manager of Cantiere Navale Vittoria responds to Duò

“What Paolo Duò declared does not correspond, even in the slightest part, to the truth nor can it be considered a free exercise of criticism of an action, mine, that no one has ever questioned, not even Duò himself before these latest defamatory declarations”.

These are the words that begin the reply that Gabriele Busetto, general manager of “Cantiere Navale Vittoria Spa” from 2007 to 2012 and financial director of the same from 2012 to 2022, has decided to advance to the thesis of the responsibility of some former managers in the crisis that the company has run into, supported by the main shareholder also with SHIPPING ITALY.

Busetto presented several arguments, and also revealed that he had turned to the competent Public Prosecutor’s Office by filing a complaint: “The first of these is insurmountable: I have certainly held important roles in the Vittoria Shipyard, but I have never been part of the Board of Directors, which is the body responsible for making the most important decisions from an economic/strategic perspective or in terms of structural impact on management or functional to the exercise of the company’s direction and control activity. It is truly singular, then, that this specific accusation is made by someone who, of the Shipyard’s Board of Directors, was and is the president, moreover with specific operational delegations to the financial, administrative and personnel management sectors”.

But that’s not all: “To date, Cantiere Navale Vittoria is in a serious financial crisis but, at the date of my dismissal (October 2022), there were no financial problems. Furthermore: a dispute regarding employment matters between me and Cantiere Vittoria was recently settled at the Court of Rovigo, given that I had challenged the dismissal. During the proceedings, Cantiere Navale Vittoria never expressed any criticism of the work I had carried out, not even indirectly or subordinately, and indeed, on 07/06/2024, a judicial conciliation report was ratified, precisely in the case cited, in which Cantiere Navale Vittoria declares that it recognizes the correctness of my actions during the employment relationship and in relation to every relationship that has occurred, also recognizing me a significant sum of money to define the employment relationship, in addition to reimbursement of legal fees”.

Busetto’s conclusion is bitter: “At this point, I would like to deduce further themes such as the certainty of having operated with seriousness, transparency and correctness during all fifteen years of work at the Vittoria Shipyard, which in fact had grown enormously during this period, and attach my CV in the naval sector: but it is not necessary, I am a well-known and highly esteemed person in the environment. I have been working in the naval shipyard for fifty years and have reached the top: in fact, I was president of Ancanap (National Association of Private Shipyards) from 2017 to 2018. I have also been a Master of Work since 2010 (title granted by the President of the Republic Giorgio Napolitano), Auditor since 2006 and Knight of San Marco since 1998”.



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