Municipality of Naples – Second report on the best cities for work in Italy presented

Municipality of Naples – Second report on the best cities for work in Italy presented
Municipality of Naples – Second report on the best cities for work in Italy presented
Mayor Manfredi with councilors Marciani and Baretta at the presentation of the Aidp Foundation report

Strengths to be enhanced and elements to work on to ensure a city more suited to workers were at the center of the round table in which the data contained in the report “Best cities of work in Italy” were discussed. The study curated for the second year by the Aidp Foundation – Work and Sustainability, in collaboration with Isfort, was presented this afternoon in the Sala Giunta at Palazzo San Giacomo, during a meeting with the mayor of Naples Gaetano Manfredi. The moment of comparison and analysis was attended, among others, by the councilor for Youth Policies and Work Chiara Marciani and the councilor for Budget Pierpaolo Baretta.

The report “Best Cities for Work in Italy” was presented by Marco Romani and Carlo Carminucci, respectively CEO and director of Isfort.
The focus on Naples highlights some positive aspects such as transport: the capital of Campania is fourth in Italy for kilometres served by urban transport (underground, trams and trolleybuses) and for the number of active taxi licenses in relation to the population (25.93 per ten thousand inhabitants. As for culture, Naples is ninth for the number of bookshops, cinemas and theatres (142.6 per one hundred thousand inhabitants).

Isabella Covili Faggioli, president of the Aidp Lavoro e Sostenibilità Foundation, drew conclusions from the analyses and reflections carried out during the meeting.

This report photographs the country’s gap especially from an economic point of view – declared the Mayor Gaetano Manfredibut if we look in detail at the various indicators we see a dynamic south, which is growing from the point of view of infrastructure and contribution to the growth of the country that must be carefully considered. In the last year Naples has recorded an improvement regarding cultural activities, school activities, transport, there are positive signs on digitalization, it is a long journey but the important thing is that the gap does not grow and tends to decrease. The South – concluded the mayor – it is the area with the greatest growth potential, there is a need for a united country that exploits its potential well to create wealth and distribute it appropriately“.

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