Latina: my idea of ​​a city

Latina: my idea of ​​a city
Latina: my idea of ​​a city

Latina, contribution not requested.
What do we have in mind when we use the word city?How many inhabitants do we imagine? How many square meters are we talking about? The dictionary tells us that a city is a more or less planned aggregate of buildings, so as to form streets of easy transit, provided with public services to create favorable conditions for social life. However, this definition includes both Latina and Dublin, both Chieti and Los Angeles. Completely different worlds. I am not talking about what is better or what is worse, but about substantial differences. I, we, are not used to thinking beyond a certain scale, because it is something that is outside of our daily life, far from our cultural references. Latina is experiencing isolation and the impoverishment of the social network, people pour their need for belonging, for community, onto social media. So what? Let’s challenge ourselves. Let’s repopulate the center with local shops, which in addition to generating economics, strengthen the city’s identity and preserve local history. Let’s make services more accessible. Let’s enrich public space because that’s how the social fabric is strengthened. Let’s talk about the talents we have, let’s make important investments, let’s welcome new residents and tourists. There is no single action to get out of the crisis of this reality, there is and it is visible to the naked eye, but a combination of innovative policies, continuous training is essential because “doing” requires skills, from digital to social innovation. Let’s broaden our cultural, social and economic horizons. Let’s start again from ourselves.

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