fines for over 12 thousand euros, a pub near Piazza Fonderia closed

fines for over 12 thousand euros, a pub near Piazza Fonderia closed
fines for over 12 thousand euros, a pub near Piazza Fonderia closed

The police checks connected to the “High Impact” security protocol continue in Palermo’s nightlife areas. This time the operation was concentrated in via Bara all’Olivella, via Spinuzza, via Matera and in the Vucciria area. Five premises were scrutinized: in four of them irregularities and violations were found that led to administrative sanctions of 12,771 euros. In a premises in via Bara all’Olivella, some administrative irregularities were found regarding the maintenance of the HACCP register, hygienic and structural deficiencies: sanctions of 2 thousand euros were imposed.

Several irregularities also in a pub not far from Piazza Fonderia: illegal occupation of a portion of public land, failure to comply with the outdoor regulations, preparation and serving of food without possession of the Scia, installation of a sun awning in front without authorization, violation of the HACCP self-control manual and presence of a kitchen area not included in the Scia registration request. The administrative sanctions amount to 5,771 euros. The manager was reported at liberty for repeated arbitrary occupation of a portion of public land with tables, chairs, sofas and a sun awning. Furthermore, following failure to comply with the order of the Palermo ASP for immediate suspension of the activity for health and hygiene reasons relating to a previous inspection, the premises were closed.

In the Vucciria area, administrative irregularities were found in two commercial establishments due to structural deficiencies, lack of manual self-control Haccp, failure to communicate internal changes to the premises, lack of food personnel training course certificates. The fines imposed in both establishments amount to five thousand euros. Overall, 201 people were identified, 21 vehicles were checked, 4 disputes were raised to the Highway Code.

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