Mailbox Murder Mysteries, But They Make Them All Disappear

Mailbox Murder Mysteries, But They Make Them All Disappear
Mailbox Murder Mysteries, But They Make Them All Disappear

Ferrara, 2 July 2024 – The enigmatic characters of Charles Wild he was born in sarto Rodrigo Turollawill be the protagonists of the sixth episode of the podcast ‘Willy Branchi, the last truth‘, available from today on our online channels and on the major digital platforms, from Youtube and Spotify. The episode will begin right with Turollabrought into play in 2014 by the former parish priest of Goro, in the phone call to our newspaper that reopened the investigation into the Branchi murder. Turolla, in a recording never heard before, will tell how the day after the crime, he found a mysterious noose on his garage that overlooked via Buozzi, where the murder supposedly took place the first part of Willy’s attack. But he will say much more. The second part of the episode is dedicated to Selvatico, a former auctioneer, who was investigated for complicity in the murder.

The name Of Willy Branchi36 years after his barbaric killingstill causes enormous annoyance to some right-thinking people. And if on March 27, the day after the installation of the postal bouquets with the big face of the 18 year old who still asks for the truth today, we told you about the disappearance of one of the four, today we are forced to do the same after the second, shameful and very sad raid.

If in March it was the turn of Beach Volanonow the missing hole is the one installed at Lido of the Nationsas the crow flies on the opposite side of the pine forest that connects the two places. “A very serious episode – attacks the private investigator, David Tuzziwho had placed them three months ago –, that little hole was attached with 4-5 very strong cable ties and adhesive tape that tied it even more to the pole. It was tampered with and removed for all intents and purposes. An act that, in addition to leaving a bitter taste in the mouth, really makes you think”.

Ready, steady, go and there wasn’t even time to announce the installation of post boxes – where those in the know are asked to leave useful information to the investigators, even anonymously, and try to trace to the person who wrote the letter in 2015 considered “fundamental” by the Carabinieri and the Prosecutor’s Office and which provides a series of details on the last person investigated for the Branchi murder –, that one of them was made to disappear. The lamppost, around which it had been positioned on March 25, right at the entrance of the pine forest of Lido Volano, found himself naked. “Evidently – thundered the lawyer Simone Bianchi, for the Branchi family – we have touched a very sore point despite the 36 years that have passed (the murder occurred the night between 29 and 30 September 1988ed.). To think that Willy’s image could generate concern in some people is paradoxical. We will reinstall a new hole in the same place, we will not stop”.

Every place chosen for the holes was not random. Goro, first of all, Willy’s town and where his lifeless body he was found naked. Oca Marina, a Venetian hamlet where the Carabinieri and the prosecutor Andrea Maggioni have been keeping an eye on for some time and where the main suspect in the murder resides (three suspects, ed.), the same one who comes to light in the anonymous letter delivered in 2015 to Willy’s brother, Luca. Then the Nazioni and Volano beaches, at the entrances to the pine forest that links them together.

And it is right along Viale del Lago, in Nationswhat time the second one has also disappeared. Pineta which also means, and above all, a place of meetings, in great secrecy and far from prying eyes, of a sexual nature. “And now – continues Tuzzi – these have quintupled, it is a continuous coming and going of cars”. Precisely from that place, in the past some information emerged connected in some way to the murder of Willy. “Certainly not a random placea strategic point for us”. But who could have committed that act? Simply an act of vandalism or something much more serious? “Maybe someone who had noticed that there was a letter inside – Tuzzi hypothesizes – and did not want it to come to light? Very often I go down to check if they need maintenanceof new cable ties, and a few days ago the one at Lido Nazioni was in its place. If it had been an act of vandalism, I think would have been left on the spot, perhaps destroyed but not made to disappear”. It will be up to the investigators to shed light on this matter, and the author – or authors – could run serious risks. Translated: a very serious indictment.

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