Fired in 5 minutes. It happens at the Turin Procemsa

Fired in 5 minutes. It happens at the Turin Procemsa
Fired in 5 minutes. It happens at the Turin Procemsa

From Turin comes one of those stories that could be the caption of the current job market in Italy. Last June 24, in fact, the Procemsa Pharmaceuticals SpaBenefit Company based in Nickela company with approximately 140 direct employees and approximately 50 temporary workers and leasing staff, has fired two workers, hired on a permanent basis. A decision taken by the company “unexpectedly and treacherously – explains the Filctem Cgil of Turin in a note -, without any prior discussion with the workers and with the union representatives. The reason given for the dismissal is the suppression of the job”.

In the video produced by the Turin Cgil in which the two victims of the measure tell, incredulously, the details of the story, it is hard to accept the behavior of the company. It is certainly not by chance that the Cgil, for weeks now, has been busy collecting signatures to promote four referendum questions that change this perverse system in which work is a commodity and workers are no longer people, but numbers to be raised or lowered depending on the conditions.

“As a first reaction – we read in the Filctem press release – we have jointly declared with the RSU a package of 8 hours of strike. We will protect in all locations the workers who will give us a mandate if the company does not go back on its steps. Workers are not a commodity but human beings who must work to live. We ask for dignity and respect for them, the real one”.

“AND unacceptable – the note continues – that there has not been the slightest attempt to find a different placement for the workers. On the website of Investindustrial, the fund that owns 70% of the company, it is written: respecting the environment in which we operate and the people we impact is much more than simply being a good corporate citizen, it is fundamental to managing excellent companies”.

“On the Pharmaceuticals website Procemsa, in the code of ethics, it is written: everyone must be considered as an individual and treated with dignity. The workplace must provide a sense of security. People are the main and fundamental point of reference for all business activities. The people who work in the company are our main resource. Consistency, transparency and respect must be the basis of every decision and behavior in an environment of mutual trust. Why is the Code of Ethics so important? It represents the point of reference for those who work in Procemsa. It expresses what the company represents, what it intends to achieve and how it intends to do it. It is the charter of values ​​on the basis of which all business decisions are made. Our success will be lasting only if we assume our social responsibilities”. Adding insult to injury.

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