Funds for sports infrastructure, Matera thanks Abodi

Funds for sports infrastructure, Matera thanks Abodi
Funds for sports infrastructure, Matera thanks Abodi

“This Government continues to demonstrate its closeness to the territory of the South and that of Sannio. I received communication a few hours ago regarding the financing of two interventions in the province of Benevento regarding sports infrastructures”. This was stated by Senator Domenico Matera of Fratelli d’Italia in commenting on the new list of beneficiaries of the notice “Sport and Suburbs 2023” which also includes the projects presented by Bucciano and Durazzano.

Funds for 700,000 euros will arrive in Bucciano, which will allow for the renovation of the roof of the municipal gym adjacent to the school complex on Via Provinciale, including the new load-bearing steel structure calculated in compliance with the latest anti-seismic regulations.

In Durazzano, however, the green light, also in this case for 700,000 euros, for the synthetic grass playing field with the expansion of the playing field to be able to host the FIGC matches up to the D series. Furthermore, the project also includes the preparation of a modern and low energy consumption lighting system and a modern fence in compliance with the latest safety regulations.

“This is an important result in order to provide the Communities with modern and functional spaces useful for the practice of sport, a precious resource for our young people – comments Senator Matera – I warmly thank the Minister of Sport Andrea Abodi, who only a few months ago we had the pleasure of welcoming in Bucciano, for the attention shown to our requests”.

Press release

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