New Electoral Commission Appointed

New Electoral Commission Appointed
New Electoral Commission Appointed

Of Political Editorial

During the first session of the new City Council, on Monday 1 July, the Assembly appointed, with a secret ballot, the Municipal Electoral Commission, responsible for periodically updating the electoral lists.

Giovanni Bertoldi (10 votes) of Lega Modena, Giovanni Silingardi (9) of the 5 Star Movement and Gianluca Fanti (9) of the PD were elected as effective members of the Commission, and one blank ballot. Stefano Manicardi (11) and Luca Barbari (8) of the PD and Paolo Barani (9) of Fratelli d’Italia were elected as substitute members; two blank ballots.

The immediate enforceability of the resolution, regarding the appointment of the Commission, obtained the vote in favor of Pd, Alleanza Verdi Sinistra, Movimento 5 stelle, Fratelli d’Italia, Luca Negrini sindaco, Forza Italia, Lega Modena; vote against by Maria Grazia Modena with the motivation of “lack of consultation between minorities and because there was no gender equality”; abstention for Modena Civica.

The Electoral Commission is composed of the mayor, who presides over it, and three members and three substitutes. Specifically, it is responsible for updating the Register of Scrutineers and appoints the scrutineers who are members of the polling station during electoral consultations.

(July 2, 2024)

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