Massa on Briatore’s return: “Strange things happen…” – News

Massa on Briatore’s return: “Strange things happen…” – News
Massa on Briatore’s return: “Strange things happen…” – News

Massa and Crashgate

When Bernie Ecclestone Last March he admitted to having learned of the case Crashgate during the 2008 season and having preferred “protect the sport” from a huge scandal. The former CEO of FOM explained that he considered Felipe Massa “defrauded of the world championship”The Brazilian has thus decided to start a legal battle against the FIA, FOM and Ecclestone, with the aim of getting justice.

Meanwhile Briatore returns…

As it is known Flavio Briatore was expelled from the FIA, but a ruling by the Tribunal de Grande Instance of Paris rehabilitated him in 2010. The Italian manager negotiated with the Federation a ban from the circuits until 2012, but thirteen years passed before he was seen again in the paddock with an active role. In 2022, F1 appointed him ambassador of the category, while Alpine appointed him executive advisor a few days ago.

Massa’s comment

She didn’t keep us waiting Felipe Massa’s reactionas told by I say nothing, the news speaks for itself. There are many strange things in this world. But all I can say is that there is a team that is working on the issue and we are moving forward. We are motivated and we are fighting. We believe that what happened to me is not right. Not only for me, but also for the sport”.
Since taking legal action, Felipe Massa has been banned from Grand Prix racing.

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