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Terracciano, Genoa and Christensen’s loan: how the Viola goal changes

Terracciano, Genoa and Christensen’s loan: how the Viola goal changes
Terracciano, Genoa and Christensen’s loan: how the Viola goal changes

Terracciano is liked by Genoa and Fiorentina does not seem to be indifferent. Christensen could also leave

Pay attention to what happens between the posts. There, where Palladino is looking for and waiting for certainties, to recompose a department, where the market is ready to move decisively. Terracciano has a contract that expires in a year (June 2025), Christensen has a much, much longer one (June 2028). Both, barring any changes to the program (obviously linked to the market), will be in Florence in a week or so to respond to the call-up at the start of the season. All this while the radio market has begun to point with a certain determination in the direction of possible program changes.

Fiorentina, it is said, on the one hand is not insensitive to the rumours of Genoa’s interest in Terracciano. So, as she would be very ready to turn – maybe on loan – Christensen to a club that somehow re-evaluates and relaunches the actions of the Danish goalkeeper. So, obviously, on the other hand, here comes the curtain rise on the goalkeepers who could in fact play Palladino’s game and at the same time push the club in the direction of a ‘possible’ investment.


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