“An honor to have portrayed him.” Toscano’s tribute

“An honor to have portrayed him.” Toscano’s tribute
“An honor to have portrayed him.” Toscano’s tribute


One of the works from Luigi Toscano’s exhibition has been standing out in the churchyard of Civitella since last week. The UNESCO artist for peace was involved by the municipal administration for the 80th anniversary of the massacre that cost the lives of 244 defenseless civilians on June 29, 1944. “Against oblivion” is the title of Toscano’s exhibition, which features 80 portraits, large-scale photographs of close-up subjects depicting men and women who survived Nazi-fascist persecution. Among the various subjects is also Luciano Giovannetti, as Toscano remembered by publishing on his social media channels the panel depicting the bishop who died last Saturday, 80 years after that tragic day in which Nazi-fascist fury destroyed an entire town. Giovannetti managed to save himself thanks also to the sacrifice of Don Alcide Lazzeri.

“I too am speechless again – writes the artist – on Saturday we were able to inaugurate my exhibition here in Civitella with an emotional inauguration ceremony, precisely on the exact 80th anniversary of the massacre here in this small town in Tuscany. Last year I had the honor of portraying Luciano Giovannetti. Monsignor Giovannetti was 10 years old at the time and the priest of the time contributed to ensuring that he was not shot by the Nazis. Monsignor Luciano Giovannetti passed away peacefully, at the age of 90, on the morning of June 29 while we were celebrating Holy Mass”.

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