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He wanted to burgle a B&B. Thief stopped by tourists

He wanted to burgle a B&B. Thief stopped by tourists
He wanted to burgle a B&B. Thief stopped by tourists


Another problem in the Lucca nights, especially in the historic center. The State Police arrested a 45-year-old Romanian citizen for burglary. On the night between Friday 28th and Saturday 29th, around 2:00 am, the patrol cars intervened at a B&B in via Beccheria because the guests of the structure, a couple of 56-year-old Maltese citizens, returning home surprised a man inside the room who was stealing from among the suitcases. Definitely a bad surprise for two tourists who were simply eager to visit the city.

The couple, as soon as they realized the man was inside the room, had the presence of mind to block the man in the corridor between their room, inside which his wife had barricaded herself, and the hall used as a reception, the door of which was closed by the husband who immediately alerted 112, which within a few minutes sent a patrol car to the place. According to what was reconstructed, the man had managed to force the entrance door of the reception, and from there he had taken possession of the keys to the rooms, inside which he had begun to steal from the guests’ personal belongings. The aim was, clearly, to burgle as many apartments as possible, and then escape with the loot, but also thanks to the Maltese couple, his attempt was in vain.

The man found inside the B&B was immediately subjected to a search, allowing the police to find the stolen goods, consisting of wallets, jewelry and a PC that the couple had left in the room, as well as 2 screwdrivers used to access the interior of the structure inside his backpack, therefore he was arrested and placed at the disposal of the Judicial Authority. Following the direct hearing on Saturday, the precautionary measure of a ban on residence in the municipality of Lucca was applied to the man.

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