the teamwork of institutions, law enforcement and volunteers

the teamwork of institutions, law enforcement and volunteers
the teamwork of institutions, law enforcement and volunteers

ALEXANDRIA –Behind every great champion there is always a team that supports him, gregarious who sacrifice themselves, mechanics who help, teams that analyze and decide strategies, tactics and race conduct”. Behind the successful celebration for the passage of the Tour de France in the Tortona and Alessandria areas there was the great teamwork of institutions, law enforcement and volunteers who worked to best plan and manage the passage of the yellow caravan.

They have been organized two technical tables in the Prefecture e as many in the police station. Before the cyclists passed, some steps were taken inspections and number of law enforcement officers planned to be employed. The agents of the Local Police of Tortona and Alessandria they were able to count on the support from colleagues who came to lend a hand from other municipalities and on the many Civil Protection volunteers. The Police has regulated, on a broad scale, delicate traffic flows (the heavy one and the highway one) and the careful and thoughtful activity of the mayors of small and medium-sized towns, of their staff and volunteer associations (Pontecurone, Viguzzolo, Castellazzo Bormida, Oviglio, Carentino and Bergamasco).

I numbers They only tell part of the effort: approximately 65 Policemen (between the Police Headquarters, the Casale Police Station, the Highway Police and the Polfer of Alessandria); a forty Carabinieri of the Tortona and Alessandria Companies and consequent reinforcements of the Provincial Command; 12 Financiers; circa 130 Local and Municipal Police officers of the municipalities involved and coming not only from the rest of Piedmont but also from other Regions (Pontecurone, Viguzzolo, Unione Bassa Valle Scrivia, Valenza, Pavia, Unione Terre di Fiume, Casale Monferrato, Novara, Acqui Terme, Asti, Venaria Reale, Pozzolo Formigaro, Ovada, Basaluzzo, Nole, Verbania, Oleggio, Unione Montana Comuni Olimpici Via Lattea, Novi Ligure, Biella, Castellazzo Bormida); 5 Provincial Police officers; ANAS and RFI staff and finally the army of 300 volunteers activated by individual municipalities and by the Regional Coordination of Civil Protection.

The Alessandria Police Headquarters therefore thanks “il emergency system (118, Health Authorities, Fire Brigade) e school activities, public transport, industrial, craft and logistics activities who had to endure the necessary closure of the roads but who nevertheless operated thanks to timely information and organization”.

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