Flaminio, 30 years of career celebrated in Prato

Flaminio, 30 years of career celebrated in Prato
Flaminio, 30 years of career celebrated in Prato

They made the history of Italian hip hop. And now they’re back, with an album and a tour that celebrate thirty years of career. Sunday 7 July (free admission) the summer space Colibrì in Prato opens its doors to Flaminio, a Roman band that picks up the interrupted thread of the glorious Flaminio Maphia.

G. Max and Rude Mc are always pulling the strings and it will be an opportunity to listen again, live, to timeless classics such as “Ragazze acidelle”, “Che idea”, “Bada” and obviously “Sbroccatamente si vive la notte” (a cult of Italian rap, produced by Neffa): all songs that our guys have included in “Live”, an album that retraces the successes of the Roman duo, breaking a discographic silence of over two decades.

Flaminio are back more fiery than ever with their unmistakable blend of groove, humor and authentic street cred. They are joined live by “I bravi ragazzi” for a show that oozes adrenaline and an irresistible dose of comedy.

Flaminio confirm themselves as masters in the art of entertainment: “We care – explain G. Max and Rude MC – that after 30 years you can perceive the more powerful and mature sound that only with our band we can obtain, as it has been for some years now. A live album was what was missing to make our discography more complete”.

Concert + dinner? From 7 pm, aperitifs, beers and delicious menus are served here, reservations here https://form.jotform.com/241324132906347. Program and updates on social channels www.facebook.com/colibriprato and www.instagram.com/colibri_prato/. Info tel. 370 3017013.

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