«The relaunch of the port thanks to our works»

«The relaunch of the port thanks to our works»
«The relaunch of the port thanks to our works»
The images of the double docking at the San Cataldo pier that took place in recent days

Taranto and its future, linked to tourism, two cruise ships disembarking at the same time. A unique event, thanks according to Sogesid to the redevelopment of the San Cataldo pier. «A historic event marked the start of the cruise season: for the first time, the San Cataldo pier hosted two large cruise ships at the same time, the Fascinosa of Costa Crociere and the Mein Schiff 5 of Tui, the latter at its first call in the Ionian port». This is what we read in a note from Sogesid that underlines how it is «a milestone made possible by the fruitful collaboration between the Port Authority of Taranto and Sogesid Spa».

The role of society

In particular, Sogesid played a crucial role in the redevelopment project of the Molo San Cataldo, thanks to the intervention called ‘Excerpt – Functional Lot I: Extraordinary Maintenance Interventions Finalized to the restoration of the seabed levels on the eastern side of the Molo San Cataldo’, definitively approved by Mase Decree. Sogesid’s intervention involved: dredging and restoration of the seabed along the eastern side of the quay, lengthening of the quay up to 360 meters, with a single alignment, increasing the draft to a depth of 9.5 meters for the entire quay. “Today’s success is a testament to the dedication and expertise of our team – said the CEO of Sogesid Spa, Errico Stravato – We are proud to have contributed decisively to this important milestone for the Port of Taranto, making possible the simultaneous docking of two large cruise ships at the Molo San Cataldo”.

The double landing

The double docking at Molo San Cataldo represents a fundamental step for the development of cruise tourism in Taranto. “The arrival of large ships like the Mein Schiff 5 opens up new opportunities for the city, which will be able to offer cruise passengers a unique and attractive experience”, adds the company’s administrator. The collaboration between the Port Authority of Taranto and Sogesid confirms itself as a winning model for the enhancement of the Taranto area. The two institutions, united by an ancient collaboration and a common commitment to sustainable development, will continue to work together to realize innovative and ambitious projects, with the aim of making the port a great relaunch stopover for the city.

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