Ambush, there is an arrest – Taranto Good evening

Ambush, there is an arrest – Taranto Good evening
Ambush, there is an arrest – Taranto Good evening

Turning point for the serious bloodshed occurred yesterday, Monday 1st Julywith a man was injured while he was aboard his car.

An arrest was in fact carried out by State Police officers.

The victim of the injury is a 31 year old man who was hit by gunshots. Transported to the hospital in Manduria, he was found to have a wound to his right arm. The case is being handled by Manduria Police Stationled by the doctor Marinella Martina together with Taranto Mobile Squadunder the orders of the deputy commissioner Luigi Vessio.

During the investigations it emerged a different picture from what leaked out immediately after the fact.

As can be read in the note released today, this morning, by the Taranto Police Headquarters, “the State Police proceeded to the arrest of a 53-year-old man presumed responsible for the attempted murder occurred near a fish shop in Torricella, Monacizzo.

Yesterday morning, the Manduria Police Station received a report that a man with a bullet in his right forearm had arrived at the local hospital’s Emergency Room, identified as a 31-year-old man from Taranto, multiple criminal record for drug-related crimesAccording to the story, the victim was hit by a gunshot while he was in the countryside between Lizzano and PulsanoThe man’s story did not seem convincing to the investigators, so much so that, upon his resignation, he was reported to the Judicial Authority because he was considered presumed responsible for the crime of aiding and abetting“.

The note states that “The investigative activity started by the Taranto Flying Squad and the police officers of the Police Station has allowed us to reconstruct the probable dynamics of the facts.

The car was hidden inside an agricultural property located in Lizzano and hit by several gunshots.

The video surveillance system reportedly showed that a subject fired several gunshots in the direction of the 31-year-old, wounding him.

The man, a 53 year old, with a criminal record for mafia-style criminal association, property and personal crimes and drug-related crimes, when approached by investigators, indicated the place where he had hidden the gun, which was found to be

with his serial number erased and, after having forwarded the documents to the competent Judicial Authority, he was arrested because he was considered presumed responsible for the crimes of attempted murder, illegal possession of a clandestine weapon in a public place, illicit possession of a clandestine common firearm, firing gunshots in a public place and receiving stolen goods.

At the end he was taken to the Taranto prison.

The reasons for the gesture are still unknown.

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