Gun in hand, threats and screams: kids run away scared

Gun in hand, threats and screams: kids run away scared
Gun in hand, threats and screams: kids run away scared

Imola, 2 July 2024 – Minutes of fear and tension al Osservanza Park the other evening, around 9.30pm, for some kids from Imola.

A man, who was sitting on a benchsuddenly pulled out a silver-colored automatic pistol and began to swear in a foreign language, threatening and incomprehensible words.

The young people immediately fell in love alarmed and frightenedbut someone had the presence of mind to notify the police who quickly arrived on the scene and found the man not far from the location of the report.

The subject was approached with all due caution by the officers and stopped as he was potentially armed and dangerous. An automatic pistol was found inside his backpack, even though, despite looking in every way like to a real weapon, it turned out to be a toy gun, even though it had a magazine and slide, and without the red cap at the end of the barrel that is mandatory for toy guns so that they can be recognized instantly.

The next day two kids they went with their parents to the police station to file a complaint about the incident.

The man, who turned out to be a Pakistani born in 1989 and living in the city but without a fixed abode, was reported for aggravated threats (as they are aimed at minors).

In his regard I am a precedent emerged for drunk driving and another for contempt of a public official.

The kids are back in their respective homes still a little scared, but safe in their parents’ arms.

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