Modica. Civil Protection, Abbate: a subject to be studied at school

Modica. Civil Protection, Abbate: a subject to be studied at school
Modica. Civil Protection, Abbate: a subject to be studied at school

“Civil Protection must become a subject of study in our schools starting from primary school. And that is why I will start a dialogue with the competent Councilor so that extracurricular hours dedicated to the practice of civil protection are included at all levels”. This was the comment of the Honorable Ignazio Abbate on the occasion of the first day of activities of the summer campus reserved for students of the secondary schools of Modica, organized by the Civil Protection Volunteers Group of Modica. “I take the opportunity of the opening of this new course to support the importance of instilling in the younger generations the values ​​represented by volunteering in Civil Protection. This week the kids will experience 360° what it means to be part of Civil Protection, sleeping and eating inside the base camp of Modica as well as dealing with all the forces of law and order that are part of the apparatus such as the Police, Carabinieri, Firefighters and Forest Rangers. They will have the opportunity to understand what the Municipal Civil Protection Plan is, how rescue operations and normal daily activities work. In my opinion, these are all “subjects” that deserve to be taught in Sicilian schools because it is also superfluous to underline how many times the intervention of the Civil Protection has been decisive in recent years in cases of serious danger for the population. By learning these principles at a young age, the Civil Protection will become stronger and more rooted in the people”.

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