Liguria: floriculture, Senate green light to sector reorganization bill

Liguria: floriculture, Senate green light to sector reorganization bill
Liguria: floriculture, Senate green light to sector reorganization bill

With the Senate’s green light to the delegation bill on floriculture “a new season opens for Liguria, a region in which floriculture has over 4 thousand companies and approximately 15 thousand workers for a record-breaking production that shines in exports and is increasingly oriented towards innovation and sustainability”. Thus the interim president of the Liguria Region Alessandro Piana on the approval in the Senate of the delegation bill dedicated to the regulation, promotion and valorization of the activities of the horticultural sector. “While waiting for the implementing decrees – continues Piana – we are preparing to welcome this fundamental input also for our region, which will be able to take advantage of a clear regulatory framework that is increasingly attentive to the needs of our businesses, from cultivation to distribution. The five-year programmatic plan will allow us to work in the long term and the support for trade fair events will be able to give us further international visibility – he concludes -. Among the main points, also the energy efficiency measures of greenhouses and those on environmental sustainability. It will be a real driving force to further renew an already dynamic sector, aiming for new records”.

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