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“The Municipality has abandoned the premises”

“The Municipality has abandoned the premises”
“The Municipality has abandoned the premises”

Grosseto. The Peace Circle of Democratic Party of Grosseto ha “we received a report from a citizen who documented, with detailed photographs, the very serious state of degradation of the premises in the ‘Pace’ complex in via Inghilterra”.

“Drug dealing and consumption, vandalism, filth, make it increasingly difficult and expensive for residents, associations and private individuals to use those spaces – continues the note from the Democratic Party -. The premises, owned by the municipality, built years ago by more farsighted administrations than the one currently led by Vivarelli Colonna, were designed to promote social, cultural and recreational activities, a safe meeting place for young and old, activities that would improve the quality of life in the neighborhood and beyond. The current state of abandonment in which the Municipality leaves that vast building complex is instead, in all likelihood, one of the many causes that have brought our city further and further down the quality of life rankings that are published every year by national newspapers”.

“The ‘Pace’ complex is an indispensable asset for the community and must be safeguarded: first with redevelopment interventions and, subsequently with projects that give new impetus to the many initiatives that could be undertaken there for the benefit of all. Because degradation and illegality are mainly countered with sociality, bringing people back to frequenting public spaces – ends the note –. The Pd Pace club of Grosseto is committed to monitoring the situation and to encouraging every possible intervention to restore the public building complex on Via Inghilterra to full use”.

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