Vibac, another 6 months of CIGS: layoffs blocked for now

CAMPOBASSO – Today, in the Molise Region assembly, an important phase of the
negotiation relating to the Vibac dispute in Termoli.

After a long dispute that has been going on for several years now, an important result has been signed with the competent Department, with the technicians of the Region and with the company representatives, which will give further space to possible and desired future scenarios. This is supported by Femca CISL, Uiltec UIL Confail and RSA Vibac.

“Even though this path has never given space to moments of joy, even though the situation is always very worrying, we have guaranteed, with the framework agreement signed by the Councilor for Productive Activities, the Councilor for Labor, the Director of Employment Policies, the Trade Union Organizations femca, uiltec and confail, and by Vibac, with the support of the Regional technicians, the guarantee that this industrial plant will not fall below 80 work units.

We have blocked the layoff procedure that, otherwise, would have been implemented by next July 10th, we have simultaneously opened a redundancy procedure on non-opposition, therefore voluntary, who will be supported with an incentive to leave.

We have also opened a new opportunity to access an additional 6 months of CIGS, to allow the Vibac company to fill the Termoli plant with new orders.

We have also assured the Termoli workers that periodic checks will be covered, the first now within the month of July, by MIMIT.

There remains the regret, in relation to what the company declared, that this production site will mature, at the end of the CIGS, a quantity of redundancies that they are not able to re-employ, which is why they have tried to identify workers who, with an incentive to leave, with the social safety net and with the NASPI, are able to hook up to the pension.

At the same time, all this can also be a preparatory step to activate the GOL project that the region will set up for training, relocation and self-employment, with the same objective of re-employing the greatest number of people.

As we have always maintained from the very beginning, we cannot jump for joy as long as there are redundancies but, all things considered, we believe, taking into account the dramatic moments that have involved the workers of Vibac and, taking into account that about 3 years ago this company had started with a declaration of redundancy such as to suggest the closure of the plant, to have brought home, as things stand, the best possible solution for the workers.”


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