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Confindustria Valle d’Aosta ready to offer resources, skills and equipment

Confindustria Valle d’Aosta ready to offer resources, skills and equipment
Confindustria Valle d’Aosta ready to offer resources, skills and equipment

“Full availability to contribute in all possible ways to resolve the serious situation created by the heavy rains of the last few days.” This is what Confindustria Valle d’Aosta and Confindustria Valle d’Aosta Sezione Edile are demonstrating.

“Operationally, this availability comes from making available skills, resources and equipmentif necessary, both immediately and in the next few days, when the emergency phase will hopefully be concluded” explains a note.

Furthermore, Confindustria Valle d’Aosta, drawing on its own reserves, has already provided a first direct contribution to support those who are in difficulty at this timeand extended the invitation to participate to its 300+ members.

In a letter sent to the Prefect of the Aosta Valley Region, Renzo Testolin, the president of Confindustria Valle d’Aosta, Francesco Turcato, and Laurent Visini, president of the Construction Section, emphasize that they intend to “make available their skills, resources and means to support the rescue and recovery activities underway. We remain at your disposal for a direct comparison with the competent authorities to define in detail the methods of collaboration and to better coordinate the support interventions. We trust – conclude Turcato and Visini – that our prompt and active participation can contribute to alleviating the suffering of the affected populations and to accelerating the recovery process of the territory”.

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