ATI Trapani is looking for a General Manager, the selection notice has been published


Gruppuso: “With this act, a long process of reorganization of the institution is concluded since the installation of this new governance that took place just a year ago”

The notice for the selection of the General Director of the Territorial Water Assembly of Trapani has been published, a figure that the Authority had always lacked since its establishment.
Through the notice (downloadable from the institutional website in compliance with the provisions of the Statute of the Institution, the procedural rules and evaluation criteria are established for the conduct of the selection procedure aimed at identifying, with a fixed-term assignment, the General Director of the Territorial Water Assembly of Trapani and indications are provided to interested parties regarding the methods of submitting applications to participate in the procedure itself.
The duties and powers of the General Manager are defined in the act of appointment in accordance with the provisions of art. 13, paragraphs 1 and 2, of the Statute: 1. The organizational and managerial representation of the ATI, in compliance with the principle of distinction between the political function of direction and control and the management function, is entrusted to the Director, who carries out the acts assigned to him by the Law, the Statute and the regulations. 2. In particular: – is the head of the personnel of the ATI and supervises the offices, ensuring their orderly running; – participates without the right to vote in the meetings of the Assembly; – implements the provisions adopted by the Assembly of Representatives; – has the legal representation of the ATI before the judicial and administrative authorities; – promotes possessory actions, conservative measures and in general all appeals and actions of an urgent nature; – stipulates the contracts and agreements of the ATI, following a resolution of the Assembly of Representatives.
The term of the assignment is 7 (seven) years from the date of appointment, unless early termination, not before 3 years, for failure to achieve the contractually established objectives and with at least six months’ notice. Deadline for submitting the application for participation by 12:00 on 31/07/2024 to the certified email address (PEC): [email protected]
“With this act – underlines the president Francesco Gruppuso together with the mayors of the province of Trapani – a long process of restructuring of the institution is coming to an end since the installation of this new governance which took place just a year ago, in the midst of a multi-regional commissionership which has produced practically nothing and on which for a month now the President of the Sicilian Region Renato Schifani has been asked to put an end without having yet received any feedback”.

The notice for the selection of the General Director of the Territorial Water Assembly of Trapani has been published, a figure that the Authority had always lacked since its establishment.

Through the notice (downloadable from the institutional website in compliance with the provisions of the Statute of the Institution, the procedural rules and evaluation criteria are established for the conduct of the selection procedure aimed at identifying, with a fixed-term assignment, the General Director of the Territorial Water Assembly of Trapani and indications are provided to interested parties regarding the methods of submitting applications to participate in the procedure itself.

The duties and powers of the General Manager are defined in the act of appointment in accordance with the provisions of art. 13, paragraphs 1 and 2, of the Statute: 1. The organizational and managerial representation of the ATI, in compliance with the principle of distinction between the political function of direction and control and the management function, is entrusted to the Director, who carries out the acts assigned to him by the Law, the Statute and the regulations. 2. In particular: – is the head of the personnel of the ATI and supervises the offices, ensuring their orderly running; – participates without the right to vote in the meetings of the Assembly; – implements the provisions adopted by the Assembly of Representatives; – has the legal representation of the ATI before the judicial and administrative authorities; – promotes possessory actions, conservative measures and in general all appeals and actions of an urgent nature; – stipulates the contracts and agreements of the ATI, following a resolution of the Assembly of Representatives.

The term of the assignment is 7 (seven) years from the date of appointment, unless early termination, not before 3 years, for failure to achieve the contractually established objectives and with at least six months’ notice. Deadline for submitting the application for participation by 12:00 on 31/07/2024 to the certified email address (PEC): [email protected]

“With this act – underlines the president Francesco Gruppuso together with the mayors of the province of Trapani – a long process of reorganization of the institution is coming to an end since the installation of this new governance which took place just a year ago, in the midst of a regional multi-commissionership which has produced practically nothing and on which for a month now the President of the Sicilian Region Renato Schifani has been asked to put an end without having yet received any feedback”.

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