Benevento, hospital and ambulance case: more cuts to assistance

Benevento, hospital and ambulance case: more cuts to assistance
Benevento, hospital and ambulance case: more cuts to assistance

Yet another blow to the Sannio health with the part time closure of the former Uccp (primary care unit) of Saint George of Sannioso that, in addition to functioning up to 6pm of the Emergency room of the Saint Alphonsus Maria Liguorisince yesterday, the demedicalization of ambulances has also been added 118 Of Vitulano e Morcone.

The Primary Care Unit of San Giorgio del Sannio, serving the communities of Medium Heatwhich provided continuous activity for 12 hours a day, from 8 am to 8 pm, from Monday to Friday, and from 8 am to 1 pm on Saturday, according to the new timetable, will remain closed from 1 pm to 4 pm every day, while on Saturday it will not open its doors at all. It is not clear why this choice was made, considering the availability, formally communicated to the ASL, by the mediathere are Angela Manganelli and Alessandro Mauroto integrate the presence of medical personnel at the former Uccp to make up for current shortages.

Perhaps they were deemed inadequate but, in this case, it should be made known through official documents. It is not clear why, despite the reassurances of the general manager Gennaro Volpe of «wanting to enhance the service and make it active 24 hours a day“, the hours of activity were then reduced.


«Today, unfortunately, we find ourselves suffering a robbery in all the municipalities which revolve around the San Giorgio health district – writes the Network for the relaunch of the municipalities of the Medio Calore – because the essential services of continuity medicine have been downgraded with the reduction of hours and the remodulation of the service. One year after the mobilization for the relaunch of the San Giorgio center, what we feared has come true and the innovative service that lasted almost 10 years has been scaled down to it’s the bureaucracy’s fault that puts stamped papers before people’s health. We are not in agreement, together with the patients and communities that have always relied on the center. For this reason, we invite the mayors involved, the board of directors of the consortium company B2 and the citizens to discuss in a territorial assembly in San Giorgio del Sannio, set for Wednesday, July 10».

So, the Network asks: «Give us back the center and the medical guard because we do not want cuts to Health and we are ready to mobilize”. The complaints about the latest decisions taken in the health sector also come in relation to the closure, from 6 pm the previous day to 8 am the following day, of the Emergency Room of Sant’Alfonso Maria. The following are intervening on the matter the Pastoral of Work, the School of Socio-Political Commitment and the Workers’ Movement of Catholic Action of the diocese of Cerreto Sannita, Telese Terme and Sant’Agata de’ Goti.


«It is failing once again – they write in a note – the right to health but lives are put at risk and jobs are lost”. The directors of the Pastoral Care of Work Fabio Della Wheelsof the School of Socio-Political Commitment Don Matteo Prodi and the diocesan secretary of the Catholic Action Workers’ Movement John Pius Marennathey make the appeal of the diocesan bishop Monsignor Mazzafaro and the parish priests of the Forania of Saint Agatha of the Goths. «The missionary vocation of the medical staff (between trainees and specialists) – they underline – must always try to travel hand in hand with a fair and balanced salary and with adequate working conditions which, if insufficient, create unwanted and disruptive cascading effects. We hope that the downsizing of the service of Saint Alphonsus Maria De’ Liguori be temporary, and not the first step towards a dismantling of the hospital garrison so as not to fall into the error of resorting to the Constitution only when it suits us or during elections, while jobs are being lost in our territory”.

For this reason they ask «to the relevant institutions and health authorities not to stop seeking and finding other solutions that can ensure that a territory already largely deprived of many services in the last 15 years like ours, is not further “robbed” of a further precious and indispensable service that saves human lives”.


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