Cagliari, important decisions in a short time

Cagliari, important decisions in a short time
Cagliari, important decisions in a short time

Lots of suppositions, few certainties. At least on the arrivals front. For departures, however, the situation appears clear with different realities. Nandez has said goodbye, followed almost certainly by Gaetano, who will hardly find the right balance with Napoli to return to the rossoblù, and Dossena has also packed his bags. Lapadula and Viola (the latter’s contract expired on June 30) will almost certainly change sides as well.

Good news is expected especially from Davide Nicola, who will want to build a tailor-made suit for what will be his next team. For now, DS Bonato is trying to put the pieces back together and prepares an action plan obviously agreed with the owner Giulini. There will be social coffers to deal with apparently reduced capacity, even if there will be a significant capital gain after the sale of Dossena.
The club is scanning the market, including foreign markets, to try to plug those gaps that had already opened up with Claudio Ranieri, but that the Roman coach had somehow managed to keep from degenerating. In defense, they are banking heavily on the confirmation of Yerri Mina, the Colombian center-back who has shown he is also capable of offering the “leadership” that was previously missing. Obviously, alongside him, players will have to be proposed who are able to connect with him on a technical-tactical level and, if possible, also in terms of character.

Some signs of personal improvement have been shown by Adam Obert, a young Slovakian defender, who has shown that he can hold his ground well with his national team during the European Championships in Germany. He could be enhanced, even if objectively it is not enough. We must also evaluate the consistency of the full-backs, one of whom, Augello, wanted by Ranieri, has shown his skills only intermittently, however not enough to make him an irreplaceable starter.

In the nerve center, having lost Nandez who had the virtue of running wildly even without a pre-established tactical plan, those who remain will have to raise the bar of performance. It should be noted that Makoumbou could be tempted by Atalanta sirens. The shortage that worries most is in the offensive phase, where departures are wasted. Given that Lapadula could find space in a Serie B team, a category in which he excels, that Petagna has already packed his bags and Oristanio is unlikely to be directed by Inter towards Cagliari, that Shomurodov will not be confirmed, only Pavoletti remains. There will be important initiatives to take. In a short time, on the threshold of leaving for the retreat.

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