From Milan to Napoli: a deal with a discount

From Milan to Napoli: a deal with a discount
From Milan to Napoli: a deal with a discount

A rather interesting transfer market plot involving Milan and Napoli: important deal with a discount, here is the player involved

With Italy’s sad exit from Euro 2024, the attention of Italian football fans will converge further on the ongoing transfer market. A negotiation session that is starting to get going and during which we will see several big protagonists. Inter starts ahead of everyone, Juventus is responding with heavy purchaseswe are now waiting for the moves of two other teams that should sign up for the race for the top spots: Milan and Naples.

Antonio Conte looking for reinforcements for Napoli, paths intertwine with Milan (source: © LaPresse) –

The situation is still rather interlocutory for the Rossoneri and the Azzurri, despite the fact that there is no lack of movement around them. The respective managements are evaluating various situations, for which however the definitive assault has not yet been carried out. Soon, in any case, the hesitation will have to be broken to satisfy the requests of Fonseca and Conte.

Milan and Napoli share great ambitions and are somehow “linked” by the figure of Conte. That Milan did not want as a managerial figure too “cumbersome” and that instead he was welcomed into the national team almost by popular acclaim precisely because of his attitude, to redeem a foolish year.

There are several players for which the two teams could clash on the market. In particular, there is a profile that interests both Milanello and Castelvolturno and that could represent a great deal on sale.

Hojbjerg for sale, Milan and Napoli waiting: the figures

As a midfielder with good physicality to provide balance, Hojbjerg has been repeatedly linked with our league. Juventus had thought about it in the pastwithout reaching the checkers. Now, the opportunity for the Devil and for the Neapolitans.

Pierre-Emil Hojbjerg leaving Tottenham, long-distance challenge between Milan and Napoli: the details (source: © LaPresse) –

A profile that will surely be the protagonist in the next few days, also because Tottenham do not intend to keep himwanting to cash in on his transfer, as his contract expires in a year. However, according to Turkish market insider Ekrem Konur, at the moment Spurs have too high demands.

In fact, the transfer fee for the Londoners should be around about 20 million euros. Too many, for Milan and Napoli for a player with one year to go. Rossoneri and Azzurri are waiting for Tottenham to come down to more moderate demands and grants a substantial discount. Which should happen soon, given that buyers have stepped aside.

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