Lecce, analysis of the players called up for the meeting at the headquarters

Il Lecce yesterday, through an official press release, he announced the list of players who will have to take part in the gathering, first showing up for medical visits in Salento and then for the two weeks to be spent in Austria.

Uncertainty about the future of many

Analyzing that note, there are several points to comment on in view of the new season.

First of all, the company decided to split the group of summoned in two sections: in the first we find the usual suspects and the key players for next season – net of unmissable offers that could take them away from Lecce – while in the second several young players or players who are at risk of being sold.

It is not a given that everyone will leave, but those who are part of the second group are more likely to leave Salento: either in search of a new adventure that will allow them to mature or by leaving this club permanently.

Ninth Stayed

Then, the absence of Marco Bleve is clearly noticeable, goalkeeper with suitcases in hand destined for Carrarese. The Salento goalkeeper, in fact, is ready to return to Tuscany to play his chances in the cadetteria, with Calabro who can’t wait to embrace him again.

Defined roles

Furthermore, as anticipated a few days ago, it can be noted that for the Giallorossi club Dorgu is considered a defensive full-back and Remi Oudin an offensive winger. The first, therefore, will be the alternative to Tonino Gallo or the starter if the former Palermo player were to leave, while the second will represent a valid option on the lanes, both on the right and on the left.

The future of the youth of Primavera

Addo, Esposito, Samooja and Mcjannet have been placed in group 1 and will be carefully evaluated by mister Gotti during the retreat. All the other young players from the Primavera, including Samek, Burnete, Faticanti and Borbei, are part of the second group and, as mentioned, it is not excluded that they could leave on loan or permanently.

Lorenzo Comes

The future of Samson and Venuti?

Finally, the future of Lorenzo Venuti and Nicola Sansone remains to be deciphered.

The former signed a two-year contract last year with an option for a third but has not shone this season and could pack his bags to try to find himself elsewhere.

The second, for his part, was more fundamental in the dressing room than on the pitch, although he then scored two decisive goals and still made his experience count on the pitch.

Seeing them in the second group suggests a possible departure, given that neither of them has really left their mark wearing the Lecce shirt.

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