Mr. Rain on stage in Pordenone «I’m back in Friuli, a special place»

Mr. Rain on stage in Pordenone «I’m back in Friuli, a special place»
Mr. Rain on stage in Pordenone «I’m back in Friuli, a special place»

Many discovered him at the Sanremo Festival 2023 where he sang “Supereroi” winning third place, a song that was then hugely successful and no less “Due Altalene” in the competition this year. Mr. Rain, born in ’91, real name Mattia Balardi, will be in concert at Parco San Valentino in Pordenone on July 18 at 9:30 pm.

«After a three-week vacation in Brazil – says the singer from Desenzano del Garda – I am now in Spain: the translated version of “Supereroi” went really well here too (gold record) and I decided to work on an album completely in Spanish».

Did the rain man find the sun?

“Exactly. A gigantic love for this country, its people and the language was born.”

Last summer he played in Lignano, do you know anything about Friuli?

“I have a lot of friends, it’s an area where I’ve “hung around” and then I’ve played a lot around in these years. The people are always warm and I get a lot of love, it’s a special place.”

What kind of show does he bring to Pordenone?

«Compared to last year, I have expanded my band with two elements: there are seven of us on stage for a show that is all played. The setlist will be a collection of songs that have marked me, ranging from several albums and not only from the latest “Pianeta di Miller”. It will be a story that starts from my beginnings to today. About 25 songs where I touch on the themes that are dear to me. Every live show is a golden opportunity to try to talk and help someone who has lived through situations similar to mine».

Do fragility and depression go hand in hand with the artist’s sensitivity?

“In my case, definitely. Since I’ve always been very introverted, I had a huge difficulty in confiding even in the people closest to me. I found in music the only way to tell my story, I managed to accept myself and now I’m proud of my fragile sides too.”

The new single “Paura del buio” was released in April. What is it about?

“It is a dedication that I make to myself of many years ago, to the child, the teenager that I was, who was afraid of the dark. As time passes, we learn to know ourselves better and better, to see the most hidden sides and to manage everything that we experience and that happens inside each of us. This gradual awareness helps us to have more courage and to no longer be afraid.”

Are we really “flowers grown from tears” as he sings?

“Yes. This line sums up my career.”

What is your audience like?

“There are so many different people in terms of age, there are multiple generations, from twenty-year-olds to sixty-year-olds to families with children. I think it’s wonderful to be a meeting point. And knowing that I’m useful simply by telling my story is the thing that gives me the most energy in the world. When someone sees themselves in the songs that reflect a very hard time of mine and feels a little less alone, it’s beautiful.”

Young people today?

«I think they have more courage in showing themselves as they are, I find them freer, more open, they are not afraid to ask for help».

Is he still obsessed with Eminem?

“I started because I wanted to try to do what he did. I saw many of his concerts, I listened to him and I still listen to him. For me the number one of all time, he was fundamental to me.”

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