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work assignments (Mayor’s Staff)

work assignments (Mayor’s Staff)
work assignments (Mayor’s Staff)

The Municipality of Bergamo has announced a selection for the awarding of work assignmentsaimed at identifying some members of the Mayor’s Staff Office.

The selected figures will be framed in theArea of ​​Officials and High Qualification and will be placed under the direct control of the Mayor of Bergamo.

Interested parties have until the day to submit their application July 8, 2024.

Let’s see the requirements, how the selection process works, how to submit the application, the announcement to download and any other useful information.


The Municipality of Bergamo, in Lombardy, has therefore announced a public competition for the assignment of work assignments for the Mayor’s office. The professional figures sought are the following:

  • Head of Protocol and Staff Activities Specialist.
    Functions assigned: the following functions will be assigned to this figure:
    – management of the Mayor’s ceremonial and assistance to institutional bodies for representative relations, public events, meetings, national and international conferences, official visits;
    – management of institutional invitations addressed to the Mayor and of the recurring annual ceremonies;
    – supervision of initiatives and events, both institutional and non-institutional, with a significant impact on the city;
    – operational support in the preparation of information notes;
    – collaboration in institutional communication activities;
    – other tasks possibly assigned by the Mayor as part of staff activities.

  • Secretarial activity management specialist.
    Functions assigned: the following functions will be assigned to this figure:
    – operational coordination of the Mayor’s staff activities;
    – operational support in managing the Mayor’s personal and public agenda;
    – support in managing contacts with municipal directorates and/or external subjects to the Administration to obtain useful information for the Mayor’s participation in meetings and gatherings directly related to city activities;
    – organizational support for the management of meetings, gatherings, work groups;
    – collaboration in the evaluation of mail addressed to the Mayor.

  • Assistant in managing secretarial activities.
    Functions assigned: the following functions will be assigned to this figure:
    – operational support in managing the Mayor’s personal and public agenda;
    – support in managing contacts with municipal directorates and/or subjects external to the Administration;
    – organizational support for the management of meetings, gatherings, work groups;
    – collaboration in the evaluation of mail addressed to the Mayor;
    – carrying out any other operational support activity.

  • Private Secretary of the Mayor
    Functions assigned: the following functions will be assigned to this figure:
    – support to the Mayor in managing relations with the City Council, the council groups, the Office of the Presidency of the City Council, with political parties and civic lists;
    – support to the Mayor in managing political relations with external entities;
    – support to the Mayor in monitoring the implementation of the mandate guidelines;
    – any other activity assigned by the Mayor within the scope of her political coordination duties.

You can apply for only one of the positions.

The members of the Staff Office will be hired into service, with a fixed-term contract starting at the latest from mid-July 2024, therefore, immediate availability for employment is required. The contract will end at the end of the Mayor’s elective mandate or, earlier, upon the occurrence of any cause for early termination of the Mayor herself.


Il Gross annual salary tableproportionate to the work performance (part-time/full-time) is as follows:

  • salary: €23,212.35;
  • sector allowance: €622.80;
  • I.V.C.: 893,51 €
  • installment for the 13th month and one-off allowance and/or bonus provided by law.

It will also be recognized following emolument comprehensive compensation for overtime, productivity and quality of individual performance, differentiated according to the role held:

  • Head of Ceremonial and Staff Activities Specialist: 24.000 € gross annual in 12 monthly installments;
  • Secretarial Activities Management Specialist: 18.000 € gross annual in 12 monthly installments;
  • Assistant for managing secretarial activities: 10.000 € gross annual in 12 monthly installments;
  • Private Secretary of the Mayor: 21.700,00 € gross annual in 12 monthly installments.


Persons in possession of the general requirements for access to public competitions may participate in the selection for positions announced by the Municipality of Bergamo, namely:

  • citizenship Italian or from one of the European Union countries or from other categories indicated in the notice;
  • age not less than the age of majority;
  • enjoyment of civil and political rights;
  • psycho-physical suitability to the tasks related to the job profile being selected;
  • not to have been excluded from the active political electorate;
  • not having been dismissed or discharged from employment in a Public Administration due to persistent insufficient performance or dismissed for the same reasons or for disciplinary reasons or declared lapsed for having obtained the appointment or hiring through the production of false or invalid documents;
  • not to have been dismissed for failure to pass the “probationary period” from a Public Administration;
  • not having received any convictions with a final judgment for crimes that constitute an impediment to employment in a Public Administration;
  • no criminal convictionseven with a sentence not yet final, for the crimes indicated in the notice;
  • regular position with respect to military obligations;
  • not be in any of the conditions of incompatibility and ineligibility as provided for by art. 53 “Incompatibility, accumulation of jobs and positions” of Legislative Decree no. 165/2001 or other condition of impediment to the exercise of the function related to the position to be filled.

Candidates are also required to possess a Bachelor’s Degree or Specialist Degree or Master’s Degree or Diploma Degree (old system).


The applications received will be analyzed by a technical commission which will identify, on the basis of the candidates’ CVs, a list of candidates for each professional role to be submitted to the Mayor’s attention

Among these, the Mayor, also following a possible individual interviewat its sole discretion will designate its own Staff.


The application to participate in the competition of the Municipality of Bergamo for work assignments must be submitted by 12.00 on the day July 8, 2024exclusively electronicallythrough the inPA Portal by connecting to the link on this page.

To access the platform you must authenticate using SPID, CIE, CNS or eIDAS credentials.

It is always useful when participating in a public selection to have your own address. certified electronic mail (PEC) as the Institutions can also communicate with the candidates via PEC. Those who do not have one can read in this article how to get one in just 30 minutes, from home.

If you have problems sending the application, we recommend you read this guide which explains in a simple and clear way how to register on the inPA portal and apply.


All those interested in the competition of the Municipality of Bergamo for work assignments in the Mayor’s staff are invited to carefully read the full text of the NOTICE (Pdf 349 KB).

For completeness of information, we point out that the same has been published on this page of the inPA Portal and on the website of the Authority, on this page.


Any in-depth interview will take place on July 10, 2024 at the Mayor’s Offices in Palazzo Frizzoni (1st floor), the institutional headquarters of the Municipality of Bergamo, in Piazza Matteotti, 27.

Candidates who are eventually called for interview will be informed directly via the contact details stated in the application form on the day July 9, 2024.


You may be interested in other competitions in Lombardy.

We also invite you to consult the page of public competitions 2024, which is constantly updated with the new announcements. You can also find out about the next competitions to find out which announcements will be published in the coming months and prepare in time.

Finally, to always be updated on job opportunities and public selections, subscribe to our free newsletter, our Telegram, WhatsApp and TikTok channels @ticonsigliounlavoro.

Follow us on Google News by clicking on the “follow” button.

by Anna Z.

Editor, expert in public work and training.

All job advertisements published are addressed to candidates of both sexes without distinction, in full compliance with Law 903/1977.

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