“The plan for waiting lists should be discussed in the Council”

“The plan for waiting lists should be discussed in the Council”
“The plan for waiting lists should be discussed in the Council”

“The Municipality’s Health Commission is asleep, it should meet as soon as possible to examine the plan to reduce waiting times announced by the ASL”. This is what Daniele Marchetti, a city councilor for the League and vice president of the Regional Health Commission, said. In recent days, the ASL has announced its plan, which will make available approximately one million euros (“A sum derived from the latest budget of the national government”, claims Marchetti) to ensure 42 thousand more services between visits and tests and put an end to the phenomenon of closed agendas thanks to the so-called pre-lists (“A system requested by the League at a regional level for three years now”).

And so Marchetti presses the majority. “We would like to discuss this in an institutional setting – hopes the member of the Northern League -. It would be interesting to understand how many services will be managed by the public and how many by the accredited private sector, for example. Furthermore, we would like to have some clarification on the methods envisaged in the event that the pre-lists are not sufficient to resolve the problems. We will wait confidently”.

All different tones from Mayor Marco Panieri, who in the Council has kept the delegation for Health for himself. “Despite the complicated phase that public health is going through, we continue to commit ourselves and invest in people’s right to health and in public, free and universal health care”, the words of the mayor.

Through the plan drawn up by the general management of the ASL, this year in the district there will be an 18% increase in visits and a 14% increase in specialist examinations precisely through the allocation of the million euros (one thirtieth of that available for the whole of Emilia-Romagna) that was mentioned at the beginning.

“I can only be grateful to the ASL and the Region, for which I thank in particular the general director of the ASL Andrea Rossi and all the other managers, for the resources deployed and for the professionalism demonstrated in defining strategies and priorities – concludes Mayor Panieri -, remembering that not only extraordinary investments related to the Pnrr are needed (which in our ASL amount to over 13 million euros), but also structural ones to guarantee the necessary personnel and an operation in line with needs”.

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