“It is important to create the Opera Museum”

“It is important to create the Opera Museum”
“It is important to create the Opera Museum”

After the restoration of the Basilica of San Frediano over many years, promoted with skill and passion by the Prior, now Vicar General of the Archdiocese Rev. Mons. Michelangelo Giannotti, and the opening of the Bell Tower to visitors, it is important for the city, Tuscany, the whole of Italy and Europe, to create the Museum of the Opera where the great cultural heritage kept in the warehouses and obviously not visible can be placed for the enjoyment and admiration of all.

Since the 6th century, the Church of S. Vincenzo, then of San Frediano, buried here, and the Monastery are a center of History, Art and Faith. The church underwent three modifications and expansions over the centuries, protection and privileges of Popes and Emperors. Splendid mosaic on the facade. The rule was that of St. Augustine. Paschal II entrusted the Cathedral of Rome (St. John Lateran) to San Frediano. It was the burial place of Popes, cardinals, bishops and nobles of Lucca. Then it belonged to the Lateran Canons of Santa Maria di Fregionaja. It became a Pious Institute with chairs of study similar to a university. With Elisa Bonaparte it was a College for students and finally a Royal College. For works of art, testimonies, buried Saints, Pius XII elevated San Frediano to a Basilica minor, after the 4 majores of Rome.

An operational meeting is needed as soon as possible between the Most Reverend Monsignor Prior, Vicar General, Director of the Office for Sacred Art, Monsignor Michelangelo Giannotti, the Superintendency with the excellent official Dr. Ilaria Boncompagni who followed the works for the Bell Tower and the President of the Royal College Mr. Franceschini. The suitable location is around the Cloister of the cemetery of Santa Caterina.

Wonders will be exhibited such as the proto-Islamic bronze Falcon censer of Fatimid art from the 11th-12th centuries, first on the façade under the cross, (brought in 1198 by Prior Rainerio on a diplomatic mission for the Pope to Cordoba), reliquaries, chalices, hangings, pallets, canopies, candlesticks, velvets, satins, damasks, brocades, Flemish lace, buckets, evangeliaries, epistolaries, antiphonaries and saint books, by the Master of the Choirs of San Frediano, the belt of Santa Zita, the shoe of San Riccardo Re, decorated bone plates from the Lombard era and many other precious artefacts.

I trust in the sensitivity, passion, interest and culture of all the subjects to proceed in the creation of the Museum, which will further enrich Lucca, the Italian and European Heritage and Civilization.

Prof. Med. Franco Bellato

“Friend of San Frediano”

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