FAI Basilicata, Carmelo Nicolò Benvenuto appointed Regional Coordinator

FAI Basilicata, Carmelo Nicolò Benvenuto appointed Regional Coordinator
FAI Basilicata, Carmelo Nicolò Benvenuto appointed Regional Coordinator

“I am pleased to announce that I have appointed Dr. Carmelo Nicolò Benvenuto as Regional Coordinator of FAI Giovani within the Regional Directorate of FAI of Basilicata, which I lead.” This was announced by Rosalba Demetrio, Regional President of FAI Basilicata. Carmelo Nicolò Benvenuto’s activity will consist of coordinating the territorial network of FAI Giovani Groups already present in Basilicata (Matera and Potenza), supporting the creation of new FAI Giovani Groups in other Delegations, periodically organizing meetings and creating regional FAI events.

His experience, gained within the FAI in the relationship with the Regional Presidency, the Matera Delegation and the central FAI, will be invaluable in collaborating to achieve important objectives such as educating, sensitizing and activating young people towards the mission of the FAI, strengthening its presence in the territory in agreement with the Regional Presidency.

“I like to think that our educational mission is achieved not only by promoting knowledge, care and valorization of cultural heritage, but by involving young people, with a forward-looking gaze in love in search of history and nature, memory and identity. I am sure that the virtuous territorial network of Young People – who met on June 28 at Casa Noha, Bene FAI, to share the launch of a program – with the coordination of Carmelo Nicolò Benvenuto will gradually embrace the entire Region. I think that Dr. Benvenuto, thanks to his proven skills, will be able to concretely interpret the vision of the FAI and commit to Basilicata. Together we are working to outline a regional system of Young People”, underlined Demetrio.

Brief profile of Dr. Carmelo Nicolò Benvenuto – He is currently a post-doc in the PRIN 2022 project «PatriarX. Paths of the Transmission of St. Cyril’s Lexicon. He obtained his PhD in “History, cultures and knowledge of Mediterranean Europe from Antiquity to the Contemporary Age” at the University of Basilicata in December 2022. He deals with Byzantine civilization, Byzantine history and philology, history of Byzantine philology in the 19th and 20th centuries and is the author of various scientific articles, but also of numerous contributions to non-specialized press. The main line of research is currently linked to the study of Byzantine literature connected to the relations and cultural exchanges between the Byzantine East and the Latin West in the Comnenian era, with particular interest in the relations between the churches and the polemical treatises on the Filioque. Some other lines of research, with particular reference to the Comnenian age, have aimed to investigate in the history of relations between Byzantium and the West some prominent figures, such as that of Alexander of Conversano, useful to understand the role of Basilicata and Puglia in the framework of the attempt of Byzantine reconquest by Manuel Comnenus. Again to Basilicata, some in-depth studies have been addressed on the history of classical studies and, in particular, on a key figure, that of Nicola Festa from Matera, in the foundation of scientific Byzantinism in Italy.

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