Torino Transfer Market, Bellanova Still in Roma’s Sights

Torino Transfer Market, Bellanova Still in Roma’s Sights
Torino Transfer Market, Bellanova Still in Roma’s Sights

Calciomercato Torino / After the European Championships, the Giallorossi are trying to make a move. For Vanoli, it’s a fixed point

A disappointing European Championship, experienced from the bench. A disappointment that extends, both for Raoul Bellanova both for Alessandro Buongiorno, and for his personal one for not having had any chance from Luciano Spalletti. The voice minutes in a final phase of a competition in the blue jersey remains the same as the days before the debut match with Albania: zero, in a German setting that Bellanova will remember as a reward trip for having, on the contrary, distinguished himself with consistency in the service of Ivan Juric. Bellanova, when he returns to his club, will no longer find the Croatian dictating the law on schemes and tactical principles, but Paolo Vanoli, the new coach. A changed context, therefore, in which Bellanova, compared to when he arrived last summer from Cagliari (after the loan to Inter), no longer represents a gamble, but a fixed point from which to start again and give continuity between the two cycles.

Bellanova still has room for improvement

The 3-5-2 of Paul Vanoli can offer glimpses of continuity in performance for Bellanova, coming off a season in which he stood out for his assists, forming a winning axis with the lighthouse of the attack Duvan Zapata: 5 winning passes provided to the Colombian, of the 7 overall (the other two to Radonjic and Ilic). He has lacked goals. Only one, against Lecce. Improvements to be made in future work sessions with Vanoli. Bellanova is therefore called upon to add that extra wealth of knowledge, to reach a further step. Toro would seem to be the best context to confirm himself, after the exploit of the first episode. This is what the Granata fans hope for, who would not be sorry if the contract signed until 2027 was actually respected.

De Rossi likes the winger

However, the market has just begun and for Bellanova, as for any grenade on the launch pad, there are some suitors. It is known that another coach who would like to work with Bellanova is Daniele De Rossi. For the Roma Bellanova could be the right profile to reinforce a right flank where neither Celik nor Karsdorp have proven to be guarantees. Roma would guarantee him the possibility of returning to European stages, in the Europa League, given the continental review with the National team that was not very fruitful. A player who would fit within the financial parameters of the American-led club, on which to bet also in future projections. The bull but he does not intend to give it upat least not after one season. His value, if things with Vanoli were to go well, could soar, even if already today, if the request of more than 20 million from the Granata were to be satisfied, we could talk about a significant capital gain even if, on the other hand, a technical impoverishment would be recorded.

Raoul Bellanova
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