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Young Gardener Crushed to Death by Overturned Tractor Off Road

Tragic accident at work in Versilia. A 32-year-old agricultural entrepreneur, Federico Nappi, a partner in a Pietrasanta company that was carrying out pruning work in the area, died after his tractor went off the road.

Il drama it happened around 1.30pm today (1 July) on a plot of land in via della Rocca in Pietrasanta. For reasons currently being investigated, the vehicle driven by the young worker overturned: the driver who was operating it ended up off the road and was crushed by the tractor that overturned on top of him.


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Once the alarm is received, the 118 operations center activated the rescue by sending an ambulance and a medical car to the scene and by sending the Pegaso helicopter into the air. Unfortunately, it was all in vain because the man’s injuries were too serious. The doctor had no choice but to declare him dead.

The municipal police officers, firefighters, carabinieri and hygiene and workplace prevention personnel of the ASL intervened on the spot. Nappi leaves his pregnant wife in despair.

“It’s a tragedy. I don’t know how else to describe what happened. There will be time to determine the causes and responsibilities.: today I ask only the entire community of Pietrasanta to stand by the family of this young man of ours fellow citizen who lost his life”. As soon as he received the news of the accident, the mayor Alberto Stefano Giovannetti has reached The Rock Street and followed the operations conducted by the 118 health workers and the fire brigade, with the support of the personnel of the municipal technical office, the municipal police and the Carabinieri. Once the death was confirmed, the mayor’s first hug was for the young man’s partner, who also rushed to the scene along with some family members.

The worker was a partner-worker of a company commissioned by the Municipality to carry out green maintenance work in Old Town. The accident happened outside the construction areaaround 1pm, while the young man was walking downhill via della Rocca on board a means of work which, for reasons yet to be ascertained, has overturned.

“We are incredulous in the face of this tragedy that breaks our hearts. Federico frequented our offices in Versilia. He was a sunny, enterprising, tireless, energetic boy who we accompanied in opening the company he manages. together with his partner. A good boy, a worker with a special light in his eyes who was making his way in the floriculture and green maintenance sector. – explains Coldiretti Lucca – We hug his family tightly on this horrendous day of pain that should make us all reflect. You shouldn’t die at work. We hope that the causes of the accident will be clarified as soon as possible to provide an answer to a tragedy that deprives us of a magnificent boy”.

“And’yet another unacceptable death at workthe one that occurred today in Pietrasanta and in which a 32-year-old young man lost his life. To the family, colleagues and friends I express my condolences and those of the entire Regional Council”. Thus the president of the Tuscan Legislative Assembly, Antonio Mazzeo, after learning the news of the death of Federico Nappi.

“The tragic repetition of deaths at work – adds Mazzeo – is a fact that we cannot accept, against which stringent initiatives are needed from the institutions and from all the subjects that must operate for safety at work. Dying at work is not worthy of a civilized country”.

The Uil Tuscany expresses its deepest condolences and closeness to the victim’s family and loved ones: “More and more workers, especially young people – we read in a note, are victims of homicide or tragic accidents at work: data that lead us to think that in addition to the responsibilities that will be ascertained by the competent judicial bodies, the type of training on safety and more generally on the activity carried out, is not of quality or is in any case insufficient to carry out one’s duties in a safe manner. We can no longer tolerate this massacre. For us, zero deaths at work is a goal, we will not stop until we have achieved it”.

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