Rolando (Lega): “New Abonante Board made with the Cencelli Manual”

ALESSANDRIA – The city secretary of the League, Alexander Rolandointervenes on the new Abonante councilin Alexandria.

“More than a revolution to meet the challenges of the future. The new Council of the Municipality of Alessandria seems to be made with the Cencelli manual. Everyone is passionately in, from Barosini to the 5 Star Movement, political entities that only two years ago were attacking each other daily in the press. And that now should work, side by side, for the future of our community. That of Mayor Abonante is a ‘old-fashioned’ palace maneuver, who after two years of nothing tries to simulate a ‘change of pace’. But in reality he simply pays some political bills”.

Rolando: “Amag in very bad waters”

“In two years of Abonante administration – he continues – the city has brought home a new community center passed off as a municipal meeting centre. And some chaotic and poorly made cycle lanes. But most of all, Amag is sailing in very bad watersdue to the incompetence of the current administrators. Who have scrapped innovative projects such as the Smart City (with the risk of multi-million dollar penalties) and energy communities. And have handed over the management of the company to external consultants”.

“We are talking – concludes the Northern League exponent – ​​of new ones private members destined to join a group that up to now has been completely public participation. And among the staff there is very great concern. All citizens must be no less worried, because of the risk of a surge in costs of waste collection and water (a primary good and a right for all) are evident”.

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