La Voce Pavese by Emanuele Bottiroli: live commentary at 8pm on the event of the day in the province of Pavia.

Promote integrated security in railway stations and surrounding areas to implement, especially in the evening hours, coordinated control services with the contribution of local police forces. This is the purpose of the “Safe Stations” project, soon to be operational in the railway stations of Vigevano and Mortara, thanks to the protocol signed in recent days by the prefect of Pavia, Francesca De Carlini, and by the representatives of the Lombardy Region, RFI, Trenord and the mayors of the two municipalities of Pavia. The agreement – ​​signed during the meeting of the Provincial Committee for Public Order at Palazzo Malaspina – provides for the increase in the time slots supervised by the Police Forces and additional control services by the Local Police, thanks to the assumption of the economic costs of the extraordinary services by the Region.
In detail, a greater number of services outside the stations is contemplated to combat vandalism and behaviors that generate insecurity in the population. In this direction also the commitment of RFI and Trenord to maintain the decorum of these spaces and to supply local police forces with technological equipment that can be integrated for dialogue between operations rooms (Polfer and Police forces), in addition to the presence of video surveillance systems.
On the sidelines of the meeting, the prefect underlined «the active and convinced collaboration in the progressive strengthening of the security framework of which this protocol constitutes an important piece, systematizing the professionalism of the respective local police forces, while optimizing for the police has general responsibility for the use of its human resources in activities aimed at preventing and combating crimes”. But is it enough? And why do we need protocols? What should have been done and wasn’t done?

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