Trains, Taylor Swift effect: tickets to Milan double

Trains, Taylor Swift effect: tickets to Milan double
Trains, Taylor Swift effect: tickets to Milan double

The American pop star Taylor Swift, with her Eras Tour in the main European capitals, manages to also influence the Italian railway system and beyond,

confirming the power of the so-called “Swiftconomics”. In the week of the Milan dates, 13 and 14 July, tickets for routes to the Lombardy capital recorded notable increases compared to the previous week. This is what emerges

from a study by Trainline, Europe’s leading platform for the purchase of trains and buses.

USA, each fan spent around 1300 per show

According to the study, in particular, the number of passengers on trains from Naples and Rome has almost doubled, with an increase of 117% and 92% respectively, compared to the previous week. The increase on the Milan-Florence route is also noteworthy, with a +69%. But even the American singer’s fans from beyond the Alps prefer the train. The Zurich-Milan route saw a 360% increase in passengers in this period. The “Swiftconomics”, i.e. the economic influence of Taylor Swift and her ability to generate significant economic activities with her tours, has meant that during her spectators in the United States fans spent an average of $1,300 per year

show, as Trainline highlights. This provides an idea of ​​the economic impact the tour is having in Europe. To predict the impact of Taylor Swift concerts, you can compare to major world sporting events. With a

with an average capacity of over 72,000 seats and more than four million tickets sold during her American tour, Swift’s concerts demonstrate the high scale of this phenomenon and surpass other major international events in terms of mobilization of people and economic resources.

in-depth analysis

Eco-activists deface private jets, looking for Taylor Swift’s

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