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Logistics, trade, investments: a two-day event in La Spezia to launch a bridge with Africa

Logistics, trade, investments: a two-day event in La Spezia to launch a bridge with Africa
Logistics, trade, investments: a two-day event in La Spezia to launch a bridge with Africa

An economic bridge between Italy and Africa is ready to open from La Spezia next November. In fact, on the 14th and 15th the city will host the first edition of “A Bridge to Africa”, an international forum focused on relations between our country and the African continent in the sectors of maritime logistics, trade and investment, organized by Clickutility Team and the Propeller Club Port of La Spezia.
“Two days of conferences and networking events are scheduled which will involve major stakeholders and industries from Morocco, Egypt, Algeria, Tunisia and Italy, offering a platform to discuss nearshoring and offshoring strategies and share expertise”, is reported in the resolution with whose Civic Palace aderides the promoting committee of the event and gives it the patronage of the organization. “The challenge proposed by the event – ​​we read again – is to integrate sustainable economic development with the traditional activities of the African continent, creating new business opportunities for the Italian system and for the industrial and logistical fabric of the city of La Spezia”.

“The development prospects of the African economy as a whole are now recognized as interesting, with unanimous consensus from analysts and professionals – it is noted on the event website -. In addition to the growth in trade due to population growth, Africa is combining its traditional strengths in agriculture and raw materials with the beginning of industrialization. Development is patchy, but where it occurs growth is rapid, thanks also to the nearshoring and offshoring strategies of European and Asian operators”. Noting also that “From this framework, in which Italy is trying to strengthen its position with the Mattei Plan which has just been converted into law, the importance of Italy-Africa maritime but also air logistics emerges and the need to seize the opportunities for further development. It’s not just about transporting goods and passengers, but also about creating relationships from which the exchange of services, skills and growth opportunities arises.”

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