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Costa d’Oro’s temporary shop opens — The Voice of the Umbrian Territory

Gift the food and wine historian Guido Farinelli


With a trip to the oil cultivation, together with Guido Farinellithe new events began on Saturday 29 June “Laboratory of Passion” Of Gold Coast. The food and wine historian originally from Spoleto, who has had his own column on «Geo» on Rai Tre since 2020, led those present on a journey through Umbrian traditions linked to the precious material of oil.

The appointment is included in a program of dissemination events such as masterclasses of DOP Umbria e meetings with writers, artists and chefs in the Temporary Shop opened on the occasion of the Festival dei Due Mondi, which welcomes visitors from all over the world, and will continue until April 2025.

In fact, this new space dedicated to making known the variety and quality of its oils, with special packaging, limited edition oils and multiple other products that are magnified or inspired by oil: from gin to chocolate, to cosmetics based on olive oil and other food excellences such as saffron, all coming from virtuous realities that celebrate the land, the olive tree and its fruits.

Products yes but also technology and events. Every day, visitors are invited to learn about the oils with a Interactive app that will help them recognize their emotions and sensory reactions, to get closer to the different experiences that can be linked to extra virgin. A game that will accompany them on the path of knowledge of the variety of oils selected by Costa d’Oro.

Each appointment that will be communicated on the Costa d’Oro website and social media will welcome Italian and foreign guests through true stories of “Land, People, Passion” and will be animated by the real experiences of those who share the core values ​​of Costa d’Oro on a daily basis.

“Il Laboratorio della Passione” is a testament to the Umbrian company’s desire to innovate and inform about a precious raw material, the cornerstone of the Mediterranean diet and an emblem of our country’s naturalistic heritage, first in the world in terms of biodiversity with over 500 cultivars.

Oil is in vogue both as a condiment in Italy and in foreign markets where it is increasingly appreciated for its health and nutraceutical characteristics, but also as a component or amplifier of aroma or taste in a myriad of other products, up to to modern mixology.

There are many partners of the Planet O-live Academy who will intervene in the Passion Laboratory, such as Assoprol, an association that brings together over 800 Umbrian olive growers or Olivastre, an association founded by 3 women who have recovered a centuries-old olive grove in the Lake Trasimeno area with which the first limited edition was developed – Opere d’Olio N.1.

And in the Passion Laboratory Costa d’Oro also presents a preview of the new graphic design: a new logo and a new design to communicate an even more modern and quality brand image.

Food but also art and, more generally, protection and valorization of our country’s artistic heritage.

For this reason Costa d’Oro hosts in the shop 4 olive-shaped sculptures by artist Giovanni Cartaauthor of the giant sculpture donated to the city of Spoleto and part of the installation Germination of Peace exhibited in front of the Basilica of Assisi last year.

Costa d’Oro, moreover, continues to be supporter of FAI (Italian Environment Fund) and again in Spoleto he more recently contributed to the installation of thework by Felice Levini at Palazzo Collicola which houses the Modern Art Gallery “G. Carandente”. Levini’s work was inaugurated on June 28th on the occasion of the opening of the Festival dei Due Mondi

COSTA D’ORO Born in 1968 in Spoleto, today it is among the brand leader of the oil market in Italyknown and appreciated also abroad for the quality of its product. Production reaches 29 million liters per year for a turnover that in 2023 was 172 million euros. About 50% of production it is exported to over 60 countries. The main reference markets are Eastern Europe, Brazil, Mexico, the USA, Canada and some Asian markets. 90 employees work at the Spoleto office.

In 2018 the company became part of the Avril Group, the third largest branded olive oil group in the world, whose raison d’être, “Servir la Terre”, perfectly matches the values ​​of Costa d’Oro. The Avril Group has a peculiarity: Its shareholders are made up of farmers’ associations and, by statute, all profits must be reinvested solely and exclusively in the agricultural sector. Costa d’Oro becomes the Group’s leading brand in the production of EVO oil.

This is a turning point for the Umbrian company, an important strategic choice thanks to which Costa d’Oro can access new foreign markets and complete the sustainability plan “Planet O-live” in full harmony with its motto Land, People and Passion”.



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