Film in Lucca, tomorrow the last day of filming Il Tirreno

Film in Lucca, tomorrow the last day of filming Il Tirreno
Film in Lucca, tomorrow the last day of filming Il Tirreno

LUCCA. While Lucca is preparing to experience its summer with open-air cinema, the shooting of Peter’s film continues in the city Greenaway. Today (July 1st) the most anticipated scene was scheduled, around the fountain in Piazza Antelminelli. Dustin Hoffman he did not bathe in the tub, as some rumors had suggested, but simply sat on the edge, while the actor who plays Death entered the water. A little curiosity: in the center of the tub created by Lorenzo Nottolini, some small angels made of resin by the film’s production were placed, a bit like what was done during the filming at the Madonna dello Stellario. Also busy on the set in Piazza Antelminelli were Sofia Boutella e Jonno Davies, who in the film play the children of the characters played by Dustin Hoffman and Helen Hunt.

Tuesday 2 July, last day of filming, two sets are planned: in the early afternoon we will shoot in Piazza San Salvatore from 3pm to 7pm, then technical vehicles will stop in Piazza S. Giovanni Leonardi; from S. Maria Corte Orlandini to via del Loreto (both sides) no parking, stop and go via Santa Giustina (from piazza San Salvatore to via Della Colombaia), no parking in via Santa Giustina (from via Colombaia to piazza San Savior). Also today, from 9pm to 1am the set will be located in via Guinigi and this will entail a ban on parking in via Guinigi, from via Mordini to via S. Croce from midnight to 1am on 3 July.

Once these last shoots are finished, the crew and actors will leave Lucca definitively, where they will return in about a year to present the film to the city. The intention of the director and the production is to present the film at a major international festival, for example Cannes in May 2025, after which it is very likely that a screening will be organized to present the work to the city. L


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