Blessed Elena Guerra will be a saint: date of canonization set

Blessed Elena Guerra will be a saint: date of canonization set
Blessed Elena Guerra will be a saint: date of canonization set

The news had come directly from the bulletin of the Vatican Press Room: during the audience granted to Cardinal Marcello Semeraro, prefect of the dicastery for the causes of saints, Pope francesco had authorized the same ministry to promulgate some decrees including the recognition of the “miracle attributed to the intercession of Blessed Elena Guerrafounder of the Congregation of the Oblates of the Holy Spirit, known as the Sisters of Santa Zita, born on 23 June 1835 in Lucca and died there on 11 April 1914″.

This is the decisive step in the canonization process, awaited since 1959., that is, since Pope John XXIII proclaimed this woman from Lucca blessed. Now the canonization date has been set, the date of Elena Guerra’s canonization which will take place on October 20th. The ceremony will take place in St. Peter’s Square in Rome, as stated in the bulletin of the Vatican press office today (1 July): “During the Consistory, the Pope decreed that the Blessed Manuel Ruiz López and seven companions and Francis, Mooti and Raffaele Massabki, Giuseppe Allamano, Marie-Léonie Paradis and Elena Guerra are registered in the Register of Saints on Sunday 20 October 2024”.

The news was received with great joy by the Church of Lucca e monsignor Paul Giulietti he doesn’t hide it: “We are really very happy, lthe diocese will participate in two days in Rome: both the 20th for the canonization and the 21st for the traditional thanksgiving mass. These are very important days and a program will be published soon by the diocesan organizing committee which also includes the Oblate Sisters of the Holy Spirit, founded by Blessed Elena Guerra. Together with the pilgrimage office we will do everything possible to ensure that the celebrations are well attended”.

“That this woman from Lucca is proclaimed a Saint is an important recognition for our ecclesial community and for her journey”, concludes the bishop. Happiness also in the words of the Superior General of Congregation of the Oblates of the Holy Spirit, Sister Maria Laura Quattriniwho lives in Lucca: “We daughters of Elena Guerra are proud that our Mother becomes a Saint. We hope that from heaven she will help to sanctify each of us. But I would like to emphasize that she is a Saint not only of our Congregation but of the entire Church. She is the Saint who rediscovered the Holy Spirit who, thanks to her, is no longer the great unknown, but rather, as she said, should be known, prayed to and loved by all. We are happy to have a Saint who has done so much for the Church”.

To the biography

Blessed Elena Guerra (Lucca, 23 June 1835-11 April 1914), now on the path to sainthood, had a childhood marked by religiosity family. From a very young age she worked to assist cholera patients as well as to form spiritual friendships. After a serious illness, during which she devoted herself to the study of the Word of God and the Fathers of the Church, she went on a pilgrimage to Rome.

In 1882 in Lucca she founded a female community of active life, dedicated to Saint Zita, for the education of girls. Among these, moreover, he welcomed a young woman from Lucca of the highest caliber: the future Saint Gemma Galgani. This female spiritual association will become in 1897, thanks to Pope Leo XIII, Congregation of the Oblates of the Holy Spirit as we still know them today even though, in Lucca, the original reference to Santa Zita in common parlance still leads to identifying them as the Zitine Sisters. The bond between Elena Guerra and Pope Leo XIII, who was archbishop of Perugia before ascending to the papal throne, was very strong. The courage and tenacity of this woman from Lucca managed to make inroads into the papal curia. She wrote many letters to the Supreme Pontiff and was also received in audience.

Pope Leo XIII welcomed her, giving her support and bringing into his teaching the main challenge of the War: to lead all the faithful back to the knowledge and love of the Holy Spirit, of whom Christ told us: He will guide you to the whole truth (Jn 16:13). In 1959 Pope John XXIII proclaimed her Blessed. Elena Guerra’s body rests in the church of Sant’Agostino in the historic center of Lucca.

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