CNA on Sabatini’s re-election: “His work in 5 difficult years rewarded”

CNA on Sabatini’s re-election: “His work in 5 difficult years rewarded”
CNA on Sabatini’s re-election: “His work in 5 difficult years rewarded”

The re-election of Sabatini president of the Chamber of Commerce

CNA Pesaro and Urbino “His work has been rewarded, continue the work of valorizing the Marche companies”

A Gino Sabatini, just confirmed at the helm of the Marche Chamber of Commerce, the most heartfelt congratulations go to the CNA of Pesaro and Urbino.

“His election was unanimous – say the president of the provincial CNA Michele Matteucci and the director, Claudio Tarsi – represents not only the attestation of esteem for the person but also the excellent work carried out by Sabatini in recent years. They have been five extremely difficult and complex years but the coordination and guidance role of the vice president of the CNA has allowed businesses and the representative associative world to see the Chamber of Commerce as a solid and safe point of reference”.

“Our hope – add Matteucci and Tarsi – is to continue along the path of collaboration with the Chamber of Commerce and its president in the primary interest of businesses with a view to the overall development and progress of our region”.

“To Gino Sabatini, to whom we wish good work – conclude the president and director of the CNA of Pesaro and Urbino – we ask to continue working with even more strength and sharing to enhance the economy, businesses and the entire territory of the Marche”.

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