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RSA in Liguria: new price list established

Fairer rates and higher quality of care in Ligurian RSAs

The Liguria regional council has approved the new tariff system for residential and semi-residential social and health facilities.


July 01, 2024
01 lug 2024

GENOA – Fairer tariffs and better quality of care for the most vulnerable citizens. The Liguria regional council has approved the new tariff system for residential and semi-residential healthcare facilities. “With this resolution – explains the regional councilor for Health Angelo Gratarola – we wanted to find a point of balance between the non-increase in spending for the share paid by families, the condition of applicability of the most representative contracts for assistance and an adjustment of tariffs for managing bodies”. To guarantee uniformity and regulatory compliance with the LEAs, the basic co-payment required by the affiliated facilities is 54.60 euros for each patient. “The structures that have higher quotas and in any case no more than 67.10 euros will have to justify any increase by the presence of additional and more personalized and/or qualitatively superior services based on agreements with the Municipalities and Local Health Authorities as well as the need to comply to the contractual adjustments of the personnel requested by the trade unions”, explains a note.

“It is an evolving offer system to guarantee better care of the citizen by applying criteria of appropriateness and diversification of the offer – says the councilor -. The resolution provides for further technical tables regarding day centers for the elderly and Alzheimer’s, the disability chain and also the revision of the authorization and accreditation manual for the social and healthcare part which will have to be revised with regard to personnel and assistance aspects”.

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