Tari 2024 Cinisello Tax Increase North Milan Environment Waste Management Service

Tari 2024 Cinisello Tax Increase North Milan Environment Waste Management Service
Tari 2024 Cinisello Tax Increase North Milan Environment Waste Management Service

The new economic and financial plan of Nord Milano Ambiente, the in-house company of the Municipality that manages the urban hygiene service in Cinisello Balsamo, has been adopted by the city council.

This document constitutes the biennial update 2024-2025 of the waste tariff method established by the Regulatory Authority for Energy, Networks and Environment (ARERA) in order to define the waste tax for the year 2024.

In particular, the financial plan provides for the coverage of the costs of the urban hygiene service which for the year 2024 is 10.7 million euros.

A figure that has increased by approximately 200 thousand euros compared to 2023 in relation to the inflation adjustment (equal to 5%) and the increase in disposal and transfer costs, a problem that is found at a national level. While the cost of the service has remained unchanged and is among the lowest in the Municipalities of Northern Milan.

Positive results for separate waste collection, which increased by 2% to 61%.

Another significant figure is the decrease in the quantity of abandoned waste, which went from 600 thousand kg to 300 thousand kg, thanks to the increase in controls. 450 thousand euros were recovered from tax evasion.

The overall increase in cost will necessarily lead to a 2% adjustment of the Tari. However, the balanced distribution between domestic and non-domestic users achieved in recent years will remain unchanged.

Just as it was decided to keep the coefficients between the fixed and variable parts at a minimum. The three Tari payment installments in April, July and September were confirmed.

Mayor Giacomo Ghilardi explains: «The critical situation that has been present at a national level for some time is also reflected at a local level, however the decorum of the city and the well-being of its citizens requires us to find effective solutions»

The mayor continues: «In particular, if we had opted for the variation of the coefficients in determining the tariff, the increase would have been higher».

Ghilardi adds: «We are in the process of evaluating the feasibility of solutions that aim to plan the future of the company and the urban hygiene service, adapting it to market developments and the needs of the community».

The mayor continues: «For this reason our administration has approved a planning act for the urban hygiene service which provides for the evaluation of a possible integration of our subsidiary company into other public companies in the metropolitan area, with a view to optimizing fixed costs, maximize the development of the company itself towards the new standards that the sector can offer today and increasingly improve the services offered”.

There are many ideas: «A path that could be undertaken through a new assignment procedure and/or possible supra-municipal operations. The key point remains in-house management to guarantee continuity and timely control of the service.”

Ghilardi recalls: «These are objectives that characterize the contents of the mandate program. The slogan “More decorum and less degradation” is thus expressed in a complex series of actions which will lead, during this legislature, to improving the quality of life in Cinisello Balsamo.”

Environment councilor Daniela Maggi comments: «The choice goes in the direction of seeking innovative solutions to guarantee increasingly higher standards of quality of services rendered to citizens».

Maggi continues his reflection: «We cannot stand still in the face of the challenges that the sector imposes on us, especially at a time when the regulatory interventions imposed by ARERA are constantly changing».

Then he concludes: «The objective is to improve the various essential aspects of the hygiene service in terms of organisation, planning and execution and to increase its efficiency along the entire collection chain».

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