Road works and traffic improvements in Fiumicino

Road works and traffic improvements in Fiumicino
Road works and traffic improvements in Fiumicino

The Municipal Administration of Fiumicino, in collaboration with Anas, announces with a press conference dedicated to the topic, a series of significant interventions to improve traffic and ensure smoother and safer circulation.
Below are details of the works that will be carried out in the coming months.

Construction of road junctions 1 and 2
The Municipality of Fiumicino requested the construction of road junctions 1 and 2 to allow the temporary connection between Via del Lago di Traiano and Corridor C5. This intervention, with an estimated cost of around 350 thousand euros, aims to improve the usability of the alternative road system necessary during the demolition of the Viaduct. Anas drew up the executive project, approved by the Municipality in April. The awarding of the works is underway, with a start expected in the next few weeks.

Arrangement of the road system on the Bridge
To meet the need to improve traffic flow in view of the Jubilee 2025, the north carriageway of the bridge in the direction of the Airport will be opened to traffic, with two lanes in each direction and signage on both carriageways. This strategic infrastructure, close to Leonardo da Vinci International Airport, will be essential to manage the expected increase in traffic, reducing inconvenience for users and improving circulation on the A91 Rome-Fiumicino and in the surrounding areas, including Ostia and Fiumicino. Work will begin shortly, following the latest technical assessments.

Installation of Monitoring Systems
To ensure the safety of vehicles during the demolition of the Viaduct, systems will be installed to monitor the transit of vehicles with a mass greater than permitted, as well as sensors to monitor the structural behavior of the bridge. These systems will ensure safe and monitored transit.

Total Investment
Anas has allocated a total amount of approximately 550 thousand euros for the implementation of the essential interventions.

“These important projects – underlined Mayor Mario Baccini during the press conference – do not only represent a short-term improvement, but above all an investment for the future of our city. They will guarantee efficient roads, supporting urban development and the well-being of the entire community. Furthermore, with the implementation of the works, presented today in collaboration with Anas, we are placing the safety of citizens at the center of our priorities. The installation of advanced monitoring systems will allow us to constantly monitor traffic and infrastructure conditions. The opening of the new northern carriageway of the bridge will significantly reduce travel times for those traveling to the Airport and surrounding areas. The objective is to reduce daily inconveniences for residents and tourists and free the city from the grip of traffic” concluded the First Citizen.

Present at the press conference were the mayor of Fiumicino Mario Baccini, the councilor for public works Giovanna Onorati, the manager of the Territorial Strategies Area of ​​the Municipality of Fiumicino, the manager of the Public Works Area of ​​the Municipality of Fiumicino, Eng. Marco Moladori – Territorial Structure manager of Anas Lazio and Eng. Fausto Ferri director of works.

Source: Press Office of the Municipality of Fiumicino

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PREV Tributes. By Ornella Abelli, Alessandria. – Italia News Media