Quarta slows down but the company speeds up the work

Less than 24 hours after the announcement of the decree of the Minister of the Environment which would allow the project to be modified bicycle lane in viale Aldo Moro, the company that was commissioned to complete the work, speeds up and begins to asphalt the sections of lane that have not yet been bitumen. This was reported by several citizens who were amazed to see such speed in the work after weeks of semi-deserted construction site. Among other things, just a few hours after the announcement of the possible cancellation of the work. Or rather, its movement.

No stop: the explanation

«It is clear that in light of a ministerial decree that arrived yesterday afternoon – replies the councilor for public works Gianluca Quarta – the contractor company continues the work. You need to at least have time to let them know. A WhatsApp message or a phone call is not enough. There are contracts and procedures to respect. Tomorrow (today for those reading, ed.) a technical meeting is called to evaluate what to do. I understand that someone is always anxious to get a scoop to find a place in the sun but they have to understand that the solution has been found». Among other things, he adds, “asphalting is never a damage, at most it is a restoration”.

Two separate announcements

In fact, on Monday, Councilor Quarta announced, thanking the Honourable Mauro D’Attis for having organized the meeting: «Following the discussions that took place with the ministry managers in my presence and that of the manager of the Public Works sector, architect Fabio Lacinio, having heard the concerns expressed for the continuation of the construction site, we were informed that there would be evaluations also by virtue of the numerous reports received from the other cities receiving the same financing. Therefore, in light of the communications received today, the project may be modified and possibly moved location». A few hours later, the mayor Giuseppe Marchionna pointed out that the ministry “has made changes to the Primus Programs in order to grant the beneficiary municipalities the possibility of extending the time frame expected for the conclusion of the funded projects. The Municipality of Brindisi, beneficiary of the funding for the construction of the cycle path on Viale Aldo Moro in its own territory, has recently resumed work following the termination of the contract with the original winning company, the terms of which were due to expire shortly. The ministerial decree, once made executive with the registration by the control bodies, will allow the completion of the works with a different timing and with the possibility of making design changes in terms of the type of cycle paths and their location”. The Municipality, concluded the mayor by thanking the minister Gilberto Pichetto Fratin and the Honorable D’Attis, «is evaluating improving design solutions in compliance with the ministerial decree of the Ministry of the Environment”.

The celebration of those opposed to the track

Quarta’s announcement, among other things, coincides with the crisis of majority who sees Quarta himself and the vice mayor Oggiano as councilors most in the balance, has made people talk about «success of the city and of the associations», and in particular of those who opposed the work, the president of Confesercenti Michele Piccirillothe president of Imagine Toasts Giovanni Picardi and the president of Fare Verde Peter Porcelluzzi. A success that “is also the result of the battles carried out in recent months by our associations and by the traders and residents of that place”. Now, the three add, «there is nothing else the current municipal administration can do other than work diligently to restore the placesproviding another place on which to build the already financed cycle path”.

The crisis and the opposition’s barbs

But the affair, according to the opposition, has once again become «the demagogic refuge of councilor Gianluca Quarta». This, say the city councilors Francesco Cannalire, Pasquale Luperti, Alessandro Antonino, Denise Aggiano, Michelangelo Greco And Alessio Carbonella«is trying to use a ministerial decree from the Ministry of Energy Security as a club just to attempt a coup in this political-administrative phase in which his role as councilor is strongly questioned. However, everything backfired on him like a boomerang, so much so that not even his offices believed him and the work to complete the cycle path they are continuing at a great pace». The decree, they admit, “allows the project to be modified, if necessary, by means of precise assumptions, derogating from a previous provision”. But, they add, «does not allocate resources. In short, the ministry led, needless to say, by Forza Italia unloads onto the municipalities any costs of project revision of the cycle paths, but Gianluca Quarta does not say this, because he undoubtedly has no interest in highlighting it. On the other hand, it is clear how the subsequent press release by Mayor Marchionna attempts to run for cover trying to contain excessive exaltation by Gianluca Quarta who evidently did not understand the rationale of the decree”. The councilors conclude by saying that they can imagine «the desperation of councilor Gianluca Quarta who, being most supported by the latest administrative elections, in a few hours he risks finding himself out and about».


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