Valle Seriana, hunt for funding

VERTOVA (Bergamo)

In Valle Seriana, one of the areas of Bergamo hit hard by the tornado that struck on Friday evening, after the damage has been assessed, work is underway, even in the rain, to repair the destruction, especially of roofs and other structures. Among the municipalities where the violent storm left its mark is Vertova, where the damage, according to an initial estimate, would amount to around half a million euros to repair the uncovered roofs. Requesting a state of disaster is a race against time, as confirmed by the mayor of Vertova, Riccardo Cagnoni: “There are only 72 hours to present the state of disaster to the Lombardy Region and request the contribution of funds for these damaged people, which from what I understand are not even insured.” We are also working hard in Ponte Nossa, where the tornado took off the roof of the Papa Giovanni XXIII middle school. Here too the damages are huge, as explained by the mayor, Stefano Mazzoleni, amounting to a few hundred thousand euros. “The objective – underlined the mayor of Ponte Nossa – is to redo the roof of the middle school by the end of August and free the houses from debris as soon as possible”. The risk of a postponement of the eighth grade exams which will regularly end today hosted in the elementary school complex has also been averted. And due to the bad weather on Sunday afternoon, a landslide fell on state road 469 between Portirone and Riva di Solto, in the stretch just outside the tunnel in the direction of Zù. The landslide fell in the same place where a landslide had occurred about twenty days ago. Anas had declared the western Sebina state road off-limits for six days to intervene on the side with cleaning work on the networks further upstream and making it safe with geoblocks. The stretch of road has been cordoned off in both directions.FD

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