Ballots, in Gela M5s and Pd launch the challenge to Cuffaro and Schifani. But Raffaele Lombardo also rejoices

Ballots, in Gela M5s and Pd launch the challenge to Cuffaro and Schifani. But Raffaele Lombardo also rejoices
Ballots, in Gela M5s and Pd launch the challenge to Cuffaro and Schifani. But Raffaele Lombardo also rejoices

Gela political laboratory to launch the next political challenge to the President of the Region Renato Schifani and the former governor Totò Cuffaro. This is how the victory in the runoff is described Terenziano Di Stefano. The former deputy mayor of the council of Christopher Greco who yesterday triumphed with a Bulgarian percentage, defeating the centre-right battleship coalition which had staked everything on the engineer Grazia Rita Cosentino. The wide field managed to put together the 61.08 percent of preferences equal to 13,717 votes while the challenger stopped at 38.92 percent with 8719 votes. However, the first to compliment the new mayor is Raffaele Lombardo. The former president deployed the list Autonomists for Gelafourth most voted among the seven who supported Di Stefano.

«I am very happy for the success of Terenziano Distefano as the new mayor of Gela. Not only because he was an autonomist militant from the very beginning – underlines Lombardo in his press release – but because I believe that he will have the freedom and strength necessary to bring about a turning point in the development of the city, centered on its history, on its cultural heritage, on the richness of the sea and the land and above all on the intelligence and on the passion of the Gelese people”, declares the former president of the Region when the clock strikes 16.03. We have to wait 5.28pm for the compliments of the Democratic Party with a message from the regional secretary Anthony Barbagallo. «Giuseppe Terenziano Di Stefano, candidate for mayor of the centre-left, is the new mayor of Gela. It is the demonstration that when the center-left chooses quality candidatesthere is a clear project for the city and the parties make important choices in the composition of the lists, it is rewarded by the voters.”

Five minutes later it’s the turn of the owner of the house, the man from Gelato Nuccio Di Paola, member of the Ars and leading face of the 5 Star Movement which brings four members to the Council in addition to the appointment of a councilor in the council. «Today a sign of hope leaves Gela not only for this city, but also for all of Sicily and, above all, a message for Schifani and Cuffaro. Here we have heavily beaten the right. Gela to the people of Gelato, now Sicily to the Sicilians». In the past, Di Stefano was a member of the Movement for Autonomy, then the Sicilian Party, which he however left in 2013 by suspending himself and resigning as group leader in the city council. However, his militancy in the party dates back to 2007. Stories of old politics that are presented again in a current way in view of the next appointment with the regional elections.

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