Port of Barletta, preliminary works underway at dock 3

The interventions in the area of ​​quay 3 of the port of Barletta, which is the subject of redevelopment, are continuing quickly as scheduled. “Cleaning of the seabed is underway in recent days, an activity which will be followed by wartime reclamation. Once these necessary preliminary interventions have been completed, we will be able to proceed with the actual renovation and consolidation works on platform 3, already contracted out in March 2023 for an amount of approximately one million and 370 thousand euros”. This is declared by the Forza Italia senator Dario Damianiwhich has been following the complex process of these public works at the various competent offices for some time.

“A special thanks to the president of the Southern Adriatic Sea Port System Authority, Professor Ugo Patroni Griffi, whose role is about to end. They have been years of intense and fruitful collaboration, thanks to which we have finally managed to give substance to this and other fundamental projects to relaunch our port infrastructure. After dock 3, in fact, the works to extend the breakwater piers will soon also be contracted out. All this is made possible by the substantial funding obtained, a tangible sign of the great and constant attention paid by all the authorities involved to this strategic infrastructure which, at the end of the interventions, will be more modern, more competitive and best exploited according to the development of the territory”.

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