«Quotes and a house in Campiglio or he will die». The ex-wife of an entrepreneur and her new partner are on trial

«Quotes and a house in Campiglio or he will die». The ex-wife of an entrepreneur and her new partner are on trial
«Quotes and a house in Campiglio or he will die». The ex-wife of an entrepreneur and her new partner are on trial

ANCONA – «The house in Madonna di Campiglio is registered to her, the company shares are given to her and she is given 5 thousand euros for work benefits. We will all be happy and there will be no bloodshed.” He hoped he had been convincing the author of the anonymous phone call arrived at the lawyer who assists a Venetian entrepreneur in the separation case from his ex-wife. Instead that call, dating back to October 2019, was recorded by the lawyer, a 55-year-old from Ancona. And from the investigations coordinated by the prosecutor’s office it emerged that it was the new partner of the woman from whom the victim wanted to divorce, instigated by her.


A diabolical plan, still to be demonstrated in the trial phase, which however brought the 62-year-old hotel entrepreneur and her new flame, a 60-year-old from Milan, to trial. The accusation is attempted extortion in conspiracy against the ex-husband of the accused, a 65-year-old engineer and building contractor, and the lawyer who follows him from Ancona. It would have been the businesswoman who planned everything and who, according to the prosecution, would be the instigator and moral competitor of the plan: she would have suggested to her partner to call the lawyer, in disguise, to convince her client to accept the financial conditions proposals in the judicial separation case. Too bad they were unbalanced in favor of women. In fact, they envisaged the assignment of the house in Campiglio, the transfer of company shares and a sum of 5 thousand euros or, at most, 3,500 euros for work services.

The intimidation

The telephone conversation, recorded by the lawyer who was the victim of the situation (who became a civil party through her colleague Marcellino Marcellini) and then handed over to the investigators, would have started in soft mode. “These are simple requests, we will all be happy and enjoy life, avoiding scandals of enormous proportions.” Then it would have taken on increasingly threatening tones, with references to an unspecified Order and to a “commander” who would have had everything published in the press. «I can transform the engineer into the king of the ruined, into a pile of ash, and I’m not talking about cigarette ash – the accused reportedly said in the anonymous phone call -. He warns him: just by following everything that the Milan lawyer says he won’t have to worry about anything, he will become the king of contracts, no one wants bloodshed. Just free him from his house otherwise the first hint of suffering will begin.” And then, a succession of rambling declarations. “I have absolute power, even to subvert governments and transform the legal into the illegal: if the team of 5 people were to move, imagine what it can do in a small town.” The author of the call allegedly boasted of having “special forces, it’s our job”. Then, the renewed invitation to follow “the lawyer’s precise instructions”, up to the most lugubrious intimidation, apparently referring to the client of the targeted lawyer: “We know the day on which he will be able to die, he has it announced by the Eternal Father, but she will live for a long time to come: what is being asked of her is nothing compared to a peaceful life, her career will be ruined.” The hearing has opened before judge Matteo Di Battista, and the trial will come to life on November 28th.


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Adriatic Courier

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